I just want to be clear: If Obama fails, it means his policies have failed. If his policies have failed, it means that this country is either in similar shape or worse shape than when he took office. You're okay with our country to taking a turn for the worse, just because you don't agree with a guy's politics? I just hope that him failing means your ass is living under an overpass...
clearly it doesnt mean that. if obama favors a tax and spend policy, but he cant get his plans passed, and he fails, the country wins. same with socialized health care, cap and trade, all sort of policies. if obama fails, we win. the more he fails, the more we win. we should all pray that he is the bigget failure in presidential history. if the economic situation improves, it will be in spite of obama trying desperately to ruin us. obama is hellbent on destroying the economy. so again, we should hope that he fails. of course he has also failed in other ways. he isnt really getting many troops out of iraq or closing guantanamo, this is also a good failure. he has also failed in his policy for a more open government, and failed to take a stand against bush wiretapping. this is failure for him, but victory for us.
Not true. Eventhough I didnt watch them live I have all the SNL dvds that have come out over the recent years. This is by FAR the BEST as far as Talentwise! Aykroyd, Belushi, and Radner were the TALENT Chase / Murray were the comic relief Curtin, Newman, and Morris I think could have been replaced with anyone else. But the best cast from Top to Bottom has to go to 90 - 91 cast! Dana Carvey Phil Hartman Jan Hooks Victoria Jackson Dennis Miller Mike Myers Kevin Nealon Chris Farley Tim Meadows Chris Rock Julia Sweeney A. Whitney Brown Al Franken Adam Sandler Rob Schneider David Spade
I suppose that there is always room for someone to be argumentative. If you want to squabble over what qualifies as his failing and succeeding you should realize that regardless if his policies pass or not, he will get the lion's share of credit for the economy recovering and the country improving. I'm not saying that it's right, but if history is an indicator, that's the reality. Clinton gets the credit for balancing the budget and the economic boom of the 90's is one example. Bush being blamed for our current economic woes would be another. Presidents are often compared to their predecessor as a measuring stick and to that extent, Obama cannot possibly fail. In that sense, I do not wish for the failure of any President.
Which part? I put them behind the early 90's cast, the late 90's cast, and the Eddie Murphy cast. I never said they weren't any good, just not as funny. I said that Murray, Chase and Belushi carried the show. You stated almost the same thing but added Aykroyd and Radner. And, to me, Aykroyd was one of the worst during that time period. Speaking of these older casts, has anyone seen the new comedy on NBC called "Community?" Chevy Chase isn't the star, but he plays an older guy who is back in community college with the rest of the cast. He's hilarious in every scene and steals every one of them. I wish they would involve him more in the show.
The part about only old people putting them ahead..unless you consider 31 old I watched the very 1st episode of Community but have had softball games every thursday since so I need to either download em or watch them on NBC site. That show was GREAT
The Eddie Murphy era cast really sucked. Eddie Murphy was a huge superstar, Joe Piscopo was funny as hell but they were surrounded by the lamest bunch of half-funny stiffs you ever saw like Gilbert Gottfried and Tim Kazurinsky.
wasnt billy crystal SNL? i remember him doing fernando's hideaway (the one with hulk hogan was my fav) but was he cast or guest star?