I agree. Specifically when Farley was there with Spade, schneider, myers, sandler. A little after Chris Rock. 1993 looks like the best cast year in my opinion after some cursory research.
Very hard to pick a five. I'll give you a Ten. John Belushi Eddie Murphy Mike Myers Bill Murray Gilda Radner Chris Farley Amy Poehler Kristen Wiig Phil Hartman Molly Shannon Adam Sandler
Only old people put the "Not-ready-for-prime-time Players" cast ahead of the late 90's Will Farrell cast or the early 90's Mike Meyers/Dana Carvey/Chris Farley cast. Even when Eddie Murphy and that white guy who liked to play Sinatra carried the entire show in the early 80's, the "Not-ready-for-prime-time Players" weren't as funny. If it weren't for Belushi (Samurai deli worker), Chase (Weekend Update) and Murray and their movies that came after, no one would remember the rest of that cast today. Dana Carvey however has made no movies on his own, and still, people remember the Church Lady. Of course this is all just my opinion. But getting back to what I said earlier, I think it has a lot to do with age. You like what you were raised on or what you experienced at an influential time.
You exaggerate. That cast was ahead of its time and hugely influential. But if you weren't born yet you can't be expected to have seen much of it . . . and are in no position to put it down, either.
well he did do wayne's world, which i acknowledge is mostly a mike myers vehicle. he also did some movie where he was a weird troll looking turtle dude, but it was so bad nobody remembers it. nothing dana carvey has ever done is funny. overall the single best people ever on SNL are norm mcdonald and bill murray. and bill murray might be the most entertaining actor alive today. and norm mcdonald might be the funniest man alive. the other funniest people alive: rickygervais/steve merchant/karl pilkington louis CK jamie foxx
That was akin to Chevy Chase's "impression" of Gerald Ford. Really just mimicked a few of his mannerisms and speech inflections. I was amused; didn't find it uproariously funny, but it was OK. Now you want funny? Check out that youtube clip of CNN on the skit. Yes, CNN actually fact-checked a SNL skit. Anyone still doubt that the media hasn't turned itself into the Obama PR Agency?
I've seen a lot of it, to be honest. I don't doubt that they were ahead of their time and influential. It's just a different "style" I guess.