Set a few nets in a friend's lake off of a bayou. Been on a drought. At one point last year and year before I stopped setting because I was catching more than I thought I would eat in a year. This year I am Ofer in 4 tries. Hopefully that changes Monday.
Caught one ol boy. 10lbs or so, didn't weigh it but good time cause my youngest daughter came with me. First time she comes and we had one for a picture.
Dam, time flies. I started out not knowing she about how to catch them. Started with setting lines but did not like the fact I caught small ones and they swallowed the hook. Went to nets and pretty much only set as I need some for consumption cause, well, like everything else I've undertaken in life, I've mastered it. Did not set much last year cause I caught too many in 2016 and had some in freezer. In fact I turned loose a 10 lber, someone caught on road and called me to go get, cause I didn't feel like cleaning it. Set a few this afternoon. I was asked to cook some for a political supper. Fundraiser for Sheriff candidate. i expect to have at least one but you never really know. Will letchall know.
He said he was humbled...he didn't catch any snappers after saying he mastered it. No mind reading required.