Anticipation's killin me. Sometimes I check them after one night; others, two. I seem to catch more on a two day set but I never really know if I caught them on the first night, or second. This place is only a couple of miles from where I live and I can drive my truck on the levee, right up to the net so I may at least go park and sneak up to see what's going on. I love to do that. You can see if the net's moving, etc. Sometimes there are many non targeted species and you see turtles too. Usually either one or the other but sometimes both. Funny thing, I may have 20+ non targets and no snappers or only one snapper and no non targets.
Had 4 big softshell turtles and 21 non-target species. They've been dispatched. I'll try to post the picture but the forum doesn't let me post pics from my phone for some reason.
Cooked some last night for some friends. Just posting to have a record of it since I've used this thread as a log, sorta.