I hear @Bayou Tiger is the real turtle catcher around here, maybe he will show up in this thread and show y'all how it's done.
Nope. No turtling for me. Is tour snapper rough like the shell of an aligator snapping turtle or smooth like a common snapping turtle? Enquiring minds want to know.
Caught a small alligator snapping turtle yesterday. Smallest one I've caught in my nets, yet. About 4 lbs. I'm glad cause it shows they're reproducing and living in this area.
Set today in another friend's pond. Only going with a one night set this time. I got a call to go set them Saturday on a guy's property that has some biguns. Where I've caught the biggest ones over the last couple of years. They were 30, 35 and 60.
I wanna make that turtle sauce picante recipe you posted. Lemme know when to come pick up some meat from those biguns you're gonna catch!
Picked up a 60 lber. Not sure why it's sideways. Posted from my phone and it's not sideways on there.