I caught one these boogers a couple of weeks ago while Bass fishing. Thing was about the size of a quarter. Wanted to give it to my son to raise but the ex said no. He was a cute little thing though.
proto-indo-european roots pol, polle, POLL (head) wog, wyge, WIGLEN (wiggle) polywog = wiggling head ------------- tad, tadde, TODE (toad) pol, polle, POLL (head) tadpole = toad head tickled me, and just had to post, cuz I actually looked these up in 1974
Got a turtle trip planned with a few guys from TD. One is a mod who has some family land near Chicot S park that is prime turtle country. It's going to be hit or miss cause I'm not real familiar with the lake but there have to be some monsters in there. It's too close to the park that I know of some big ones taken out.
Caught one today. Shell is 9 inches so big enough but on the smaller side. That's really a moot point today though. Big story was as I was about to walk out I told my freshly graduated 18 year old daughter where I was going so she could tell her mom when she got back from work. She then asks, "Can I go with you." I literally froze. She came fishing with me two summers ago but it was with a friend. Hadn't gone just the two of us since she hit the 8th grade. She was a champ too. Had to go through some mud and it was pretty hot too. She never complained. I told her that her husband would be lucky to have someone who just rolls up their sleeves and goes with it like she does. She and her sister have never been complainers in a crisis. When we've lost power from hurricanes, etc. they've NEVER whinned about being hot, etc.