Google can't teach you everything, that's why God sent tiga. Catfish go by so many names, depending on where you live, often. These polywogs (I have a friend who calls them polywADs) are yellow cat, mud cat, don't know what all else they're called. When they are in cold water they are my favorite. I've heard more than one person say they're better than spotted cat, aka, flathead, yellowcat... These polywogs, I'm told, are not good if they are in hot waters of summer as they have a muddy taste.
That basket of whatever/polywogs is disgusting!!! Stevie, clearly Tiga knows what a polywog is, the Internet has warped your brain and you should stay in the kitchen
pol·ly·wog noun \ˈpä-lē-ˌwäg, -ˌwȯg\ Definition of POLLYWOG : tadpole See pollywog defined for kids » Variants of POLLYWOG pol·ly·wog or pol·li·wog Origin of POLLYWOG alteration of Middle English polwygle, probably from pol poll +wiglen to wiggle First Known Use: 1838
One of my very favorite things in the world is too, if you think about it. Don't hold it in your hand too long cause they grow fast ...least my lil one does.