So why isn't the coon ass in the picture wet, how did he get the fish on his rich man 4 nail broomstick?
More than 1,000 turtles slowly escape captivity SUMMERVILLE, Ga. (AP) -- More than 1,000 turtles made a slow-speed escape from their turtle farm in northwest Georgia. Turtle farmer David Driver tells sheriff's officials he suspects vandals might be to blame for tearing down fences around his turtle ponds in Summerville. Authorities say that allowed the turtles - including snappers, Eastern paints and yellow-bellied sliders - to leave the farm and make a beeline to nearby ponds and creeks.
In North America the Chicken turtle has the longest neck. They can reach back and bite their own tails. They are usually pretty docile though. I have one that eats out of my hand.
I'm about to hit the bayou and go ballz to the wall. I'm getting pissed. Thinking about borrowing a friend's 10 ft. boat, loading up on food and water and putting out hooks all day. It's a hot sum beyotch though.
That's awesome that you are ready to eat lightning and crap thunder, now get out there and catch something fercirssakes......tired of all this talk, I wanna see some prehistoric looking creature/turtle or whatever you are after.
My gigs have only 1 prong. You go at night with a REALLY bright light. When the conditions are right you will see him chillin on the bottom. Then you hammer him. Repeat.
On most things, ask tirk; however, when it comes to gigging flounder, Sensation is your man. tirk doesn't have a gig and the only fish he's ever caught was in his science teacher's aquarium while she went to run off a few more study guides.