I understand how you feel, but I cannot understand those who claim that they are POSITIVE that Smoke is not a SEC-caliber head coach for baseball. I have never seen any objective data or statistical analysis that proves that point. Gut feelings are fine for some, but I need PROOF, Sir.
If no one else notices a difference between the last couple years teams and LSU's championship teams... you are blind. The 2000 team acted as if every pitch was the last pitch of THEIR LIVES. they played with emotion. you can't teach that. and obviously neither can coach laval. their has to be character and passion, or this LSU baseball team will slowly slip into nothingness and mediocrity... I used to feel as though Smoke would be OK... but now I am not so sure. I say give him one more year, if not two to see what he can do... if LSU doesnt at least win a game or two in the CWS, or even GET the the CWS, then I say he needs to go somewhere else and spread his "passion". end rant
Look at augie with texas, people just want to win. If you win they won't care how, they will support you. Small ball, big ball, it doesn't matter.