Speaking of honor, when a team fires a coach they are obligated to honor the contractual stipulations of whatever had been agreed upon. Sometimes firing a coach is a wise move, as in the cases of Archer, Hallman and DiNardo. Sometimes its a stupid move. Nebraska fired Frank Solich after a 9-3 season. The New Jersey Nets fired Byron Scott before midseason after the Nets had made the NBA finals 2 years in a row under Scott. Scott was fired not because of any coaching deficiencies but simply because the Nets star player Jason Kidd didn't like him. Since you are a career military man I'm sure you have had to evaluate the abilities of the men who serve under your command. If you realize that you have made a mistake by placing someone in a position that you later find out that he is not capable of fulfilling his duties would you remove that man from that position if you deem that by allowing him to stay in that job would potentially endanger the lives of your other men? Of course you would. Coaches don't have that same life and death responsibility but you know what I mean. Would you replace a man who is doing a decent job with another man who would do a superior job fulfilling the same duties?
Acting like a douchebag after we lose makes someone an idiot. It seems to happen every time. I actually believe that some people here enjoy losing so they can come on the board and justify their own pitiful existence. Strangly similar to the Dumbocrats who actually smile inside every time something bad happens in Iraq, or the economy takes a jolt, hhhmmmm.
I have been patient. I just can't suffer fools. No. That loss ruined my evening. Getting on here and demanding the coach be fired (and agreeing with him) makes you an idiot. If Smoke replaces Mestepay with Smith and Babineaux hits a 3 run homer, that same imbecile would be screaming that he should have left Lane in. 20-20 hindsight is a wonderful thing. People who want Smoke gone know absolutely nothing about what it takes to coach a college team. They are not at practice every day. They don't know the personalities, abilities, etc of the players. We should all watch the games and quit trying to run the GD team.
Assume for me if you will..... that LSU takes 2 of 3 from the runts, and goes to finals of SEC tourney. Will you still be pondering Smoke's decision to leave Lane in? It's a 50-50 call either way, and for some strange reason I think you'd be about as right as he is on these occasions.
No, but if we over-react to a loss. If we over-react to a loss by acting like and idiot and saying silly things on this board, we might seem foolish. The guy who went to the game saw it all and told the true story very well. We should take his advice, relax, and get ready to cheer for our team today. Just put this one behind us.
Problem is . . . You've made some great points, and I agree with this entire post. It can be easy to know when to replace a subordinate, for example, when he's caused a scandal by engaging in misconduct. Replacing somebody for poor performance is a tougher call. I agree with all of your comments about the merits of the coaching changes you discuss above. In your last paragraph, you ask a tough question: Would you replace a man who is doing a decent job with another man who would do a superior job fulfilling the same duties? The answer is Yes, but it's not that easy. How do you know that the replacement will do so much better than the guy being replaced? It's kind of a guessing game, and I think the wise thing to do is to leave the subordinate in place until you are sure that things will improve under the replacement. Four Years or Five may be what it takes to fully evaluate a coach. From what I've seen commanders of military ground units will change jobs after only a year or two to allow somebody else to have a chance to command, so there's no Four Year rule there.
Would the thread starter PLEASE change the title of this thread? It's very foolish and reads like something that should be on a lesser board.
dont forget the SEC is the class of Div 1 sports. Look how many teams are ranked that LSU has played. All in all It has been the most difficult schedule I can remember. I think they are doing well condsidering the competition they have faced. I think they will make a great run to the CWS. May not win, but getting there after a gruling schedule would be amazing. the pac 10 and other divisions dont play a schedule like LSU. Never Give up.......... : :tigbas: GEAUX TIGAHS