Don't misunderstand me. You obviously underestimate the extent to which I am committed to this rule. Let me state categorically that my opinion is that LSU must be willing to endure the adverse consequences of this rule . . . if it means that we suffer through some losing seasons, so be it, but the rule must be enforced and embraced . . . because it is the best way to ensure that the LSU administrators TAKE GREAT CARE when they select a LSU HC.
Perhaps your time is near . . . In a season or two, I will call on you to step forward to the front of the assembled masses in order to place LSU baseball events during these years in perspective. Will you have earned the laurel wreath? Or will your ruminations on this board have earned you a lesser honor (the dunce cap)? Only time will tell. PS My friends, I myself consider it no dishonor to don the dunce-cap when I am proven wrong, for I consider it the mark of a true man to admit one's error. My friends, Jean Lafitte knows full well that one may be the DUNCE of the day . . . and yet be the GENIUS of the next day. As such, I am most willing to admit it when I am wrong. My men have always followed me in times of danger, because they know that I will not sacrifice their lives to save my own pride . . . I will swallow my pride and save their lives by changing my mind, if the circumstances of battle require it.
I believe in coaches being given every chance to prove themselves but Archer, Hallman and DiNardo had all proven that they were not capable of handling the job by their 4th years. If you make a mistake and you know you have made a mistake it dosen't make any sense to continue the mistake for an extra year just for the sake of some policy. Smoke just got the Tigers to the CWS last year so it is way too soon to start bashing the coach of a top 5 rated team. Brady deserves another year considering the circumstances but by their 4th years Archer, Hallman and DiNardo had proved to everybody that it was time for a change. Apparently Joe Dean simply had no clue when it came to hiring a football coach. Bill Arnsparger recommended Archer as his replacement so Dean hired him over Steve Spurrier. Then Arnsparger as the Florida AD turned around and hired Spurrier. Athletic Directors, Chancellors and members of the board of supervisors change just as coaches change. New administators shouldn't be bound to the mistakes of their predecessors as a matter of policy.
We would be wise to heed your words. I submit that your opinion is more valuable right now than my own . . . because I could not see the game! I wish to concede the floor to those who were able to see the game in person. I give the floor to you, Sir . . . why did we lose to Ole Miss this evening? Please summarize for us again . . . only because you have my complete attention and desire to understand your educated opinion.
Perhaps. Perhaps so . . . however, I am a Man of Honor . . . as such, I require MYSELF to adhere to the rules of honor FIRST before I begin to ruminate on the failure of other men. Let he whom is without sin cast the first stone.
If you're not kidding and this is only my opinion, I'll tell you why Ole Miss won. Look at the box score on how close this game was. The Umps called a good clean game. I know this is going to sound so crazy but it was luck. The difference was 1 run. The game was basically anybodys game until the 5th, when Ole Miss scored some excellent hits. it was still only 4-2 hardly out of reach. AND then based on THREE dropped balls by OLE MISS in the outfield LSU came back. Pitching was probably a little better on the Ole Miss side. We had better fielding. this game was really close UNTIL Charlie Babineaux batted 2 runs in with a homer. THEN LSU was playing catch up and they almost did in the ninth. Why DID OLE MIS WIN? if I had to point to ONE reason I'd say, they wanted it more, yeah because the game was just TOO CLOSE, it went back and forth. The Ole pissers were cheering to beat the band BEFORE Charlie came to bat, he is a Sr and a cajun and he wanted it with two on board. he is their HOMER GUY. HIS average isnt that great but he has a few homers under his belt. keep in mind OLE MISS hasn't wont a title in 22 years. they are bad hungry, they set a record attendance for their stadium, anotherwords they beat LSU and they are feeling themselves right now. let them gloat tommorow is a diff day. If that was their best, I think we can take them. They make errors, and play a little more sloppy than we do. Luck won that game Luck and "want to "
You have many strengths . . . Would you not be an even greater man, if you demonstrated a super-human capacity to be kind and patient towards towards your fellow man, even when you thought him foolish? And if this man observed your patience and wisdom, would he not perhaps be enlightened by the benefit of your mentoring? Many are ignorant today, but will not remain so forever, because they learn from the wisdom of the wise men. I think you wise, Sir. You have been a good influence upon me. If a man should think me an idiot today on a particular subject, I resolve to demonstrate a new and robust erudition tomorrow on this same subject! If I am faithful to this method, I am destined to eventually become the wisest of all men on all subjects! We must relax. We must be confident in our LSU Tiger baseball team. We must resolve to win in the post-season. We are not yet in the post-season, therefore, I fail to see the NEED to panic and become hysterical. I remain confident that we will win the next two games against Ole Miss.
Wisdom requires that we should heed you. I thank you for your honest observations. You have helped me combat my own fears about our chances on Saturday and Sunday, and I think you very much for that. I will not allow myself to become hysterical because we lost a close one tonight. I will remain confident. Again, thanks for your report.