Maybe some of you should quit your jobs and send Skip your resumes. Where is the long list of great college coaches to replace him?
I promise you Skip knows where the coaches are & if Smoke doesn't perform in two or three years, he will be gone. With the talent on the team this year, not to get to the CWS would be a crime, but the way the season has been going, it will take a real effort to make it to the Super Regionals.
No! No! No! We don't need no stinkin' coaches! The players will just play great without one. You see, this is all the players fault. Smoke is just a great person and they are just not playing up to his ability to coach them. :hihi:
I agree that Smoke doesn't have a clue about when his pitchers are getting tired. He leaves them in until they get destroyed by opposing batters. This has happened time and time again. However, it is way too early to be calling for his job.
Now that I live only 35 miles from Penn Station in Manhattan, my focus on life has somewhat shifted. I just finished telling my wife in a very emphatic voice that she is NOT to take the train to NYC on any weekday under any circumstances . . . if we have to take the train to NYC, we will do so on Saturday or Sunday on a non-holiday weekend. You folks can go ahead and fret over yet another SEC friday night loss . . . I will root for the Tigers in the Regional and attempt to keep my family safe here in the NYC area. Anybody who thinks that Kerry can make us safer must still believe in the Easter Bunny.
I agree with you again. I agree with the last sentence. Any and all LSU coaches need at five full seasons to prove their mettle. There will be times that a program will be weakened because of steadfast adherence to this axiom, however, I feel that the end justifies the means . . . the "5 Year Rule" will place appropriate pressure upon LSU administrators to make CERTAIN that their FIRST choice for head coach is the absolute best. If the choice is wrong, it is conceivable that a program will be diminished for a half-decade or decade. I submit that, in the long run, this is a reasonable price to pay for the LESSON TO BE LEARNED that the first choice for HC must always be the best choice. PS This post in not intended to comment in any way on the current leadership of any LSU program. I simply intend to share my own humble opinion regarding the philosophy of "Coach-Hiring at LSU."
I sure as hell wouldn't have given Curley Hallman a 5th year. If DiNardo had made better assistant decisions he probably could have kept his job for a 5th year and maybe longer but then we wouldn't have gotten Nick Saban.
I just got back from the game and DUDe you have NO CLUE. The tigers played their hearts out and so did OLE PISS. OLE PISS made two errors that GAVe the tigers 2 runs. OUR BOYS MADE ZERO ERRORS. if it wasn't for a Cajun Charlie Babineaux, ( he batted in 2 runs besides himself ) We would have beaten OLE MISS. Both pitchers pitched a pretty good game, they were both getting tired toawrds the end. DO YOU THINK MAYBE he might be saving a pitcher for tommorow? DAMN give SMOKE A BREAK IM SICK OF THIS WHINING. QUIT YUR DAMN WHINING. PS Babineaux hit the homer WAY before the pitching went sour. ACTUALLY if you LOOK at the freaking BOX score you'll see they did very little in the 9th. SO how is it they mopped up late? MAN this lose was based on a VERY close game and the HOMER that batted two runs in was the difference. OLE MISS has a good team, thats it. THEIR pitcher was feeling it down the stretch WORSe than ours. It could have easily been the other way around if Zerigue ( spelling ) had some folks on base when he homered. We made less mistakes andf got more hits, look at the box score. So why did we lose? GENTLEMAN it was a close game and as luck would have it OLE MISS got the homer at the right time. **** happens, tommorow is another day.