Skyler Green supports Saban

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by geauxsethro, Nov 1, 2007.

  1. Robidoux87

    Robidoux87 You call that a double?

    Re: Skyler Green is dead to me

    Green caught the winning touchdown against Georgia and scored in the Sugar Bowl against Oklahoma in 2003. He'll always be a Tiger to me because he wore the uniform and gave it his all while he was here. What he does from now on is of little consequence to me.

    Is Don Mattingly no longer a Yankee because he's going to follow Torre to LA?

    Saying something like, "He's dead to me" is dumb and weird. If you really feel this way, remove all the touchdowns he scored and report back to me on which LSU games we would have actually lost.
    1 person likes this.
  2. Swerved

    Swerved It appears my hypocrisy knows no bounds.

    Re: Skyler Green is dead to me

    Aww It's not that bad.. Skyler did great things while he was here and once a Tiger, always a Tiger. He gave LSU the props it deserves...

    So since Jamarcus Russell has a big diamond encrusted elephant head around his neck that says "Bama Boy" in huge diamond letters, is he no longer a Tiger to you as well?
  3. upsizin

    upsizin Founding Member

    Re: Skyler Green is dead to me

    Some of you guys are ridiculous... The guy is definitely a tiger fan, but he's just not routing against his old coach...

    Believe it or not guys, on a football team, the players like their coaches more than their fans.... Especially when the fans are throwing drinks at players who are struggling, posting up on internet forums that they're "dead to them" and booing their own team when they're not performing great. Maybe some of us need to learn how to be fans... Maybe some players are saying the fans are "dead to them"

    They go through a lot together and build a relationship much greater than cheering... It'd be ridiculous to think that skyler green doesn't have love for coach saban almost equal to the love for his school
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  4. upsizin

    upsizin Founding Member

    Re: Skyler Green is dead to me

  5. StaceyO

    StaceyO Football Turns Me On

    Re: Skyler Green is dead to me

    I'm a little disappointed with that quote because it seems to validate Saban (especially since Skyler played for Miles, as well.) But players build strong bonds with strong coaches; that's just the way it is.

    I guess he can't be dead to me, though, because my husband still insists that our second daughter is named Skylar for a very specific reason.
  6. geauxsethro

    geauxsethro Founding Member

    Re: Skyler Green is dead to me

    Saying he is "dead to me" is a tongue-in-cheek expression, I dont literally want Skyler dead, like many people on this forum's sense of humor.

    It is used often on the Colbert Report. Some things that are "dead to him" are Owls, Men with Beards, and the godless killing machine that is the Grizzly Bear.

    So, everybody cool out.
  7. dimestorecowboy

    dimestorecowboy Founding Member

    Re: Skyler Green is dead to me

  8. upsizin

    upsizin Founding Member

    Re: Skyler Green is dead to me

  9. Swerved

    Swerved It appears my hypocrisy knows no bounds.

    Re: Skyler Green is dead to me

    No, he's Tiger Bait. Difference being, LSU doesn't play against Skyler Green.. LSU has to play against Saban until the next high bidder comes along in a couple years...
  10. Swerved

    Swerved It appears my hypocrisy knows no bounds.

    Re: Skyler Green is dead to me

    Why am I not surprised?

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