New seats and hopefully new interior decorating. The material on the walls of the PMAC is rapidly deteriorating and was quite ugly to begin with. I do like it that we are trying to renovate the PMAC instead of just tearing it down and building something new. While the PMAC got really bad, it's not too far gone; it can, and should be saved with a comprehensive reconstruction, and is capable of becoming one of the top on-campus arenas in the country. Alex Box, on the other hand...
The building can be renovated. Southern's basketball arena was deteriorating just like the PMAC, they put a multi-million dollar facelift and you should see it now, beautiful. LSU definitely can do the same.
anyone think the football stadium needs a whitewash? it looks dirty...even from the outside. i know its old but cant we loan them a couple of pressure washers...??
Herb Vincent said that one of the things that they plan to do with the surcharge money was drastically upgrade the older parts of the stadium including steam cleaning, more lights, less wire and pipe clutter, etc. I'll believe it when I see it.