You would think so huh? Well, 40% of the people say you wait till we get attacked before you stop them. How stupid is that?
They knew enough to have put us on heightened alert if they had taken warnings seriously. The Bush administration received a specific warning just a month before 9/11. The August 6 Presidential Daily Briefing from the CIA specifically stated that Bin Ladin had recruited islamists inside the US, conducted surveilance of government buildings, and was considering hijackings among other terrorist activities. The title of the Briefing--"Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S." Condoleeza Rice actually lied to the 9/11 Commission about it. [MEDIA][/MEDIA]
again, i could have told you that. that what terrorists do, they are determined to attack. the memo might as well have said "terrorists exist" where are the terrorists who are not determined to attack? do you want bush to personally racial profile every a-rab that gets on a plane? there was nothing he could have done, he bears no blame. what is the lie?
That briefing is probably no different than a thousand other briefings given to Bush and Clinton over the last ten to fifteen years. There was no mechanism in place for public heightened security alerts prior to 9-11. I put very little stock in that particular briefing. It was widely known since the early 90's how serious the terrorists threat was and this particular briefing didn't contain any specific information about 9-11 or anything new about their tactics. People who continue to blame Bush for 9-11 are reaching. Our security branches hold the responsibility for missing 9-11.
Wrong. Read Richard Clark's book or the transcripts of the 9/11 Commission report. Wrong again. It specifically mentioned Bin Ladin. It specifically mentions hijacking. It specifically mentioned government buildings. It notes heightened message traffic. It was a month before 9/11. Richard Clark, the White House expert on Terrorism could not get a meeting with the President about the bin ladin threat until just a couple of days before 9/11 . . . and they blew him off. Michael Scheuer, the CIA chief of the Bin Ladin unit wrote in his book that Clinton was slow to act on bin Ladin, but eventually came round and authorized air strikes to try to kill him, but Bush did zero about Bin Ladin before 9/11. And who do they work for? They were busting a gut to inform the President, but his mind was on Saddam. Read the 9/11 commission report and be enlightened. And I'm not saying Bush was personably responsible for 9/11, that was Bin Ladin alone. But 9/11 happened on Bush's watch and the actions of the government were his reponsibility. The 9/11 Commission makes it clear that there was neglect from officials and clues were missed. This was not a generic memo. It mentioned bin Ladin by name. It mentioned the attack methods thought to be being planned, etc. This should have instigated another attempt to kill bin ladin and raised security awareness. I want him to authorize his minions to do just that in a specific threat memo like this one. What a load of crap. There was a lot he could have done. He bears the entire responsibilty. The Buck Stops Here. Watch the video. In her first statement she says "The title was 'Bin Ladin Determined to attack inside the United States'. In her last statement she says "It did not warn of attacks within the United States". Excerpts from the August 6 PDB: Bin Laden since 1997 has wanted to conduct terrorist attacks in the U.S his followers would follow the example of World Trade Center bomber Ramzi Yousef and "bringthe fighting to America Bin Laden told followers he wanted to retaliate in Washington Bin Laden was planning to exploit the operative'saccess to the U.S. to mount a terrorist strike. FBI information since that time indicates patterns ofsuspicious activity in this country consistent with preparations forhijackings or other types of attacks, including recent surveillance offederal buildings Was she lying, or is she stupid?
Of course we can only speculate how a "heightened alert" would have impacted the events of 9/11. It would have also been interesting to see how the heightened security measures that should have been put in place long before Bush took office would have been embraced by the American public. Most likely, it would have been political suicide. But, that is neither here nor there at this point. The only thing that can be said is bin Ladin should have died long before 9/11, along with numerous others. However, the politics behind the policy has resulted in the US going soft, and this started long before Bush took office, and my gut feeling is it will coninue long after he is gone. Bush is to blame alright. He is to blame for continuing with the status quo policy of complacency and appeasement that has enveloped our nation.
The 9-11 commission lays little, if any, blame at Bush's feet. Instead of reading a book by Richard Clark, start with the exec summary of the commission itself. This pretty much says it all. Then if you are so inclined, read the entire five hundred plus page report. It points directly to intelligence problems, not the President. BTW...have you read the four thousand plus daily security briefings Clinton and Bush both received? I doubt it. Who knows what was contained in those but based on the 9-11 report it sure sounds like Bin Laden and others have been mentioned at numerous times.
i could have specifically mentioned bin laden. he was famous for his statements about america. whats the new news? at any time you can say "high profile terrorist x is planning attack on american landmarks and government buildings". like is sais, that is what terrorists do. terrorsists hijack things? no way. well that is weird i thought they targeted roller rinks. that is all nice, but without more specific information, i dont see what should have changed. ok, i can buy that, but i don't know that they were not always trying ro find and kill bin laden. i think she is saying she needs specific information. taken out of context.
I have read the report. Note that the commission states, "Our aim has not been to assign individual blame. Our aim has been to provide the fullest possible account of the events surrounding 9/11 and to identify lessons learned." And they didn't assign individual blame, but some of the participants have including Richard Clark and George Tenet. As I stated earlier, Bush is not to blame individually or personally, Bin Ladin is. What I'm saying is that he is still responsible for all of the agencies under his supervision, including their blunders--the state Deparment, the CIA, the FBI, the Dept. of Defense and others. These are executive departments. He is responsible for being informed and ready for known threats. Clinton wasn't prepared for the 1993 attacks and Bush wasn't prepared for the 2001 attacks, despite the evidence of the first. You haven't read them either and it is you that is making suggestions based on documents of unknown content. What I'm talking about is the a key document in the 9/11 Commision report. One we know a great deal about.
But this wasn't a memo from an anonymous internet character, it was a memo from the CIA informing the President of a serious threat. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Cop-out!