He should have at least hired some sophomore english major to write his speech. Out of the entire PC, there was nothing big or quotable.
I don't hold it against Saban for handling it like he did. It was as simple as this, he wanted to let the team know before anyone else. I respect that.... It was unfortunate that it happened on Christmas, but life is unfair sometimes. Nick did just like he always does, and handled the situation in the way that he felt was best. Some people are of the attitude that he screwed us (like on purpose and whatnot) but I don't think he did. The man has been coaching for 30 years, and now his dream opportunity has finally come. We all knew it was going to end @ LSU sometime.... If anything you people should be pissed at the Miami Dolphins for offering the job to him when they did. Everyone knows he'd have much rather been able to deal with it AFTER the Capital One Bowl.... It's not like Saban sat at home and thought "What is the best way I can piss off all of these people that have supported me for 5 years?". It was a business decision, and regardless of whether we like it or not I think he probably handled it the best way he could, given the circumstances and ignoring all of the "hind-sight being 20/20" bullcrap. Hats off to you Nick Saban. Thanks for the good times... P.S. - Could you at least leave us Muschamp and a few other key personel? Thanks, buddy....
Thanks for the kind wishes and good luck to your team. I don't think you will be disappointed in your new head coach.....
Peter Finney concurs Finney is the most respected sportswriter in the state, and has written several books about LSU football. The man knows from whence he speaks. He wrote that Saban should have bid farewell in Baton Rouge. Since he did not do so, he is "smaller" as a person. Again, thanks for the memories, no hard feelings, and good luck in Miami, but, let's not canonize or name any streets after him. Hire Rich Rodriguez!:lsug: :thumb:
It's a damned if you do, damned if you don't type thing. No matter how he would have handled it there would be people that down him for it. I think he did the right thing by telling the players first... should be no other way.