Your guy must not have looked to far. I saw an ad for them a couple of weeks ago at Hebert's Guns in Prairieville. Foget the price though.
They aren't deceitful it's some stupid advertising law. 50is way high. I found a place that charges 15. 25 is average.
Yeah I saw one at Academy last week too. You right, I think I'm going to let him "take care of me" and get it without the transfer fee. I've bought a couple with him already and we know each other from way back. Not "friends" but I coached against teams his daughter played on. It was neighboring towns and we'd usually meet them in the finals. We'd also try to get the same hotels and parents on both teams would cook in the hotel parking lot together and party til the wee hours.
tirk, thank you for the info and for steering me through the process. I'd never ordered one and had it delivered to an FFL guy/place. Have often read of others doing so but was kinda scared having to depend on two transactions- one being with some out-of-state business. Went talk to my guy today to make sure he looked for it. The business is owned by two guys and they have several employees so I wanted to make sure this gun was already paid for by a customer. Gave him my order number, etc. and filled out the background check.
Well you're good to go. I was thrilled my paperwork went thru the last time immediately. I'm hoping that becomes the norm but I think it's just random bs.
Where can I get a Benjamin pump pellet gun repaired. Won't lock where you cock it to put the pellet in.