because you agreed with this post which was idiotic: Just because an idiot is in charge and clearly not concerned with the welfare of others due to his own desperation to win a game...doesn't validate anything in the above post, hence you get your ass handed to you when you agree with said statements. Nothing wrong with feeling the game is going to be played...but obviously that wasn't the original post.
Ramah, you need to go back and evaluate your posts. Only after seeing you blasted other guests was I inclined to call you an a--h---. I don't know you or any of the Auburn fans around here, but I do know you and your cronies can be real a--es to those with different opinions.
All of the freaking people in Auburn have been saying lets play. They appear to be fine. The vast majority of people in LA are fine. Unfortunately some other people were not so lucky. I do disagree with Tubby pushing so hard earlier this week. But the parties involved got lucky. They were hit worse than us and they are chomping at the bit. Should we cancel a game when someone gets shot in New Orleans. Or how about after a earthquake in California. Do you demand a game gets cancelled when 12 people die in the war in Iraq. What exactly has you more bothered about this event than those?
By "they" do you mean Tubb-O-Crap and his assistants or do you mean the working stiffs in the town who are dealing with a disaster?.[/QUOTE] The 1990 World Series was postponed after a major quake hit the bay area.
Like I said earlier, half these clowns only care about their perceived advantage that LSU would have over AU in Nov. I have read many posts on this board and others, and it the same 'blame someone else' excuse for the lack of faith the have in LSU football at the moment. And lets not forget the big 'world against LSU' conspiracy theory these dudes have been harpin' on for GOD knows how long.
All of the above. They are saying it was not that bad there. Hurricanes always slow down big time and lose a lot of the punch that far inland. The 1990 World Series was postponed after a major quake hit the bay area.[/QUOTE] Slightly different. That happened while they were in the stadium if I remember correctly. They were all "shook up". This is 2 days before the game.
regardless your assumptions....many people here, minus their loyalty or blindness to their university doesn't equate that they cannot see beyond the game and what's truly important. hang your hat on, "LSU fans don't wanna play" excuse but that's where you are dead wrong. Most think LSU will win no matter the time or place. Perceived advantage by tubby is his trump card...he thinks its his best chance to win. Personally, he is probably correct due to lack of experience at QB in Jamarcus....but simply because its AU's best shot it doesnt equate to winning. Actually some people here are more empathetic as humans than you care to see or simply refuse to. So, when people here can actually relate to the troubles of others, even if they are in the state of Alabama or any other state for that matter, try to see that some of us actually are human...and can put the importance of a football game in perspective. Yeah, we're scared. get a clue. We have the National Coach of the Year and defending national champs so I dont think we're the ones with the 'redheaded stepbrother' syndrome. pot, meet kettle. logistics. feel free to look it up. so much for the civility attempt.
I never said it would be easy. In fact, I think that all of the Tiger fans who make this trip should get some preferential treatment for away game tickets in the future.
Call LSU ... they'll laugh at you What do you want from a state institution ... a boy scout merit badge :dis: Get a T-shirt to brag and show off your true fanaticism ... like a "Me and Ivan kicked Tubby's ass" or "Hell, Hurricane Ivan or high water, I support LSU" ... and the score ... t-shirt or something ... I've still got my "I've Been to Schwegmann's and fought the Vietnamese" t-shirt ... my Nam Vet buddies I play cards with really enjoy that one :hihi: