You will see the proof in the morning. The game will be played. Insult all you want. Don't let the facts interfere.
I started with the insults???? I do believe you called me an azzhole for getting on/after that mental midget "Titan" Barner ... I don't even phukking know you, Paul ... much less have ever have had any words with you until this post ... or that jab. Being called an azzhole doesn't bother me as much as your being a ****ing liar about it ... be a man ... admit you called me an azzhole first ... and forget about it ... no sweat here ... but don't lie about the **** ... the print's in black and white for everyone to read ...
If the game is played it has nothing to do with your so called "proof." At the time you made your statements you didn't know any more about it than anybody else. Ivan hadn't even gotten to Auburn when you started your whining.
More Time To get Ready For Auburn I I have all the faith in the ldskule: , and am READY to see the game this weekend. What is a weekend in football season without seeing the ldskule: play. BUT, if we dont get to play this weekend, it will give us an advantage. More prep time for our big battle with Auburn, I'm sure ol' St. Nick would agree to that. Not only that, but after the next game Shyrone Carey will be back in the game, that is a plus.. Geaux Tigers ! :lsup: Forever !
what "proof" are we speaking of? if you are so in tune and have this "proof", then tell me who will win since it is most likely predetermined, and who will cover the spread. how about what the attendance will be, or who will score the first TD. what about the names of the other gunman on the grassy knoll. tell me i can handle the "proof" give me your best shoot :rofl:
Unless the stadium was completely demolished, Tubby was going to have this game played. That was the case and is the case. Thanks for proving my point for me. I made that call even before it went through Auburn. Take that and smoke it. :lol:
JaMarcus Russell is from Mobile. He just might be a tad more worried about his family than the game. Or is he thinking "Screw the family. PaulP and TIGERSKIN might think I'm a pussy if I don't play well." I'm sure Auburn must have a few players from south Alabama and the Florida panhandle too.
Are you naive enough to believe that it was ever Tubb-O-Crap's call and Tubb-O-Crap's call alone that would determine whether the game would be played? If you are that gullible I have a guaranteed plan to get rich overnight I can let you have for only $1,000.