after seeing my fellow royalty Bengal B, it forced my hand to lay the wrath of a double dose of negativity spurning his color out of control. For being the highest ranking of the highest I must use my power wisely yet, we must remain united. not to mention hes a clueless prick on top of it. :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi:
Be careful Ramah....... I think this one has some hidden desires concerning you...... :lol: :hihi: :rofl:
After reading the initial post of the thread I had done the same. A mere handfull of people sent him to red.
I wasn't ranting that it needs to be played. I said if Auburn is ready to play then we should be too. It's that simple. You and Ramah get out of your private little chat room and read my posts. At least read the ones I wrote before Ramah started with the insults.
I haven't been "begging" for the game to be called. The timing of your rants occured during a time frame when it was impossible to determine the conditions in the area of north Alabama and for you to blindly assert that the game should be played no matter what is a reckless disregard for the safety of everybody who would be traveling to the game. If it is determined by those in charge of such things after consultation with police and other safety officials that fans traveling to Auburn from Louisiana, Alabama or wherever will suffer no undue danger or hardships by all means go ahead and play the game. I wouldn't want you to miss out on a chance to cheer for your PlainWarChickenFakeTigers.
And why in the hell did I get negative points? If you disagree and prove the almighty ramah wrong, you get negative points? What kind of BS is that?
We are not a "mere handful of people." PaulPissant has received a triple dose of negativity from at least 3 of the All Powerful Double Green Dotters. Carla: "Use your newfound power for good and never for evil." Norm: "Free beer is good." Carla: "You learn quickly my son."
Careful B ... these boys are not refined I don't care about rep points ... I speak my mind here ... this is our forum and we don't have to take the kinda barner crap sewn today by these idiots ... idiot minions spouting idiot scripture from their idiot head coach ... pure and simple idiocy :dis: people all over 4 states are dead from this damned cyclone, bridges collapsed, homes destroyed and people's lives ruined ... and some people think there's no big deal about it ... :shock: $10 Billion USD has been estimated lost on early guesstimates ... now maybe Alabama is mostly peanut farms and cow pastures ... but the coast West of Mobile Bay to Destin has been wasted by this monster ... that's a lot of good people injured and missing and homes destroyed ... the death toll will reach more as time goes on ... an uncle of mine in West Pensacola right on the river at the Bama line ... a die-hard Tiger ... has his home under 15 feet of water along with thousands of others ... Remember those poor bastids when you stand up for the National Anthem at the game ... I just hope you remember the game is NOT more important than mobilization for rescue, security and cleanup details (yeah, they use massive amounts of prisoners that take extra security to clean the crap up off the public roads ... and they must be watched, of course). To quote the greatest Alabama philosopher who ever lived ... That's all I got to say about that :wink: