Well not to stir the pot any BUT Ramah DOES have a better rep than you according to the little green dots. :shock: maybe the system is flawed? :nope: oh well. LATER!
Do you think I care? Ramah spends all day in TF entertaining people like you by insulting others. You're in good company.
When you're finished swapping spit with that Mental Midget "TITAN" Lemme know ... I'll call you a wahhhhhhhhmbulance ...
http://www.lsusports.net/feature.html?ref=095DCC21-9F52-A575-F5284A29F800FEDC LSU-Auburn Decision to be Made Friday Morning 09/16/04 BATON ROUGE -- The final determination concerning the LSU vs. Auburn football game on Saturday in Auburn will be made at a Friday morning meeting of Auburn officials with emergency and security personnel, LSU associate athletics director Dan Radakovich said Thursday. The meeting will begin at 8 a.m. LSU, Auburn and Southeastern Conference officials held a telephone conference call on Thursday afternoon to discuss the circumstances and review the impact of Hurricane Ivan. "All discussions pertaining to this game concern the safety of our student-athletes and our fans," Radakovich said. "Auburn must assemble its emergency management team and participating police to reach a final conclusion regarding the playing of this game." Upon the conclusion of the meeting, LSU will immediately issue a press release and will post any pertinent information on its website at LSUsports.net.
I don't know how ramah ever got to 2 green dots but he must have had some major major positive reps given to him to overcome all the negative rep points I'm sure he has gotten. I just gave PaulP a negative rep for all his ranting from the hurricane plagued city of Nashville. He is already "an unknown quantity at this point." One more negrep by a Double Dotter like ramah and PaulP's dot will turn as red as CRAWFISH's
So when are you going to start entertaining us? ramah might go a bit overboard sometimes but I'm sure he wants to watch the game as much as any of us. For you to keep ranting that the game should be played come hell or high water way before the conditions could be determined shows a vast amount of total ignorance.
Okay, please tell me why I should care about rep. pts. I honestly don't know or give a s---. I was simply venting my frustration at those chicken s---, so called "concerned", LSU fans. If you were one of those practically begging for the game to be postponed, because you really thought we'd be better prepared in Nov., then this thread was directed at you. So, tell Ramah and the rest of the TF "no-lifers" to get off my jock. :dis: