The Barner Hurricane expert It's going thru farm land now ... wait till it hits Birmingham and Auburn
I am not buying the whole "hard to drive there" thing. I can see that people who evacuated won't have time to get home and then get to AU in time, but the people who did not leave their homes should be able to get there without too much trouble. They will be going against the flow of traffic (North) and if they choose a logical route they should get there without too much trouble. Anyone from LA that goes East to Alabama and then North might sit in traffic until they turn North. Maybe go North first (maybe even past AU?) and then head East and you probably would not have too much trouble. Of course all of this is a moot point at this time because we don't know yet. But if the game is set to happen, I am sure that there will be a number of posts on here with good routes to take.
It's not going to go "through" Auburn. Auburn has already received the worst it's going to get and it didn't do much damage. Auburn is due east of Montgomery almost on the Georgia border. The "eye" of the storm is just west of Montgomery but because the bottom half of it has basically disintegrated, it's not even raining in Montgomery now. It's raining and windy in Birmingham right now. Just got off the phone with my brother. But he's seen severe thunderstorms almost as bad. By the time what's left of the eye makes it to B'ham, it won't even be as bad as it is right now.
Huh? He says that the storm is weakening, as evidenced by his map. You say to wait til it hits B'ham and Auburn? WTF? This storm will only get weaker as it moves over land. It's already downgraded to a TS and is losing its destructive power with every mile it covers over land. There will be rain...lots of it...but the winds are dying quickly.
What "people" are you referring to? The only people Tubby cares about making it to the game are the Auburn and LSU players. He THINKS he has a better shot now than later so he could care less if the stadium is empty. He will have his players clear the roadway before the game to allow the LSU players to get there. So if they are going to do every thing possible, why are we being such wimps?
Hey, Listen ... it's easy for me to sit here in Saudi and preach I'd be the first MOFO on an airplane to Mylanta and get a friggin rental for a short drive west ... but many LSU fans don't have the luxury of that ... they have tickets and they're pooling together in groups ... and they're gonna be stuck ... I mean ****ing stuck in gridlock traffic after one of these bastids 20 hours is a good estimate ... Bengal B had it right ... good luck finding a room after one of these ... and reservations ... they don't mean a ****ing thing ...
Are you a complete ****ing gump or what It's a hurricane ... you stupid bastid ... the RED SPOT is 75+ mph winds ... gusts to 95+ ... Where's your trailer located, Gump? :hihi: