Shreveport Soldier and That lunatic baptist church

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by LaSalleAve, May 28, 2010.

  1. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    what do you mean i told you the exact verse that sends the homos to hell! and i gave the example of the town of sodom which god utterly destroyed because they had gays there.

    the christians point out that maybe god doesnt hate the fags themselves, but hates the faggotry, the sins, not the sinner. but i counter that by pointing out that it is the sinner that ends up burning forever.

    now we are making progress. the bible is totally contradictory! and when we friendly christians here use the bible to guide us in our lives, we are being irresponsible asshats, just like fred phelps. you shouldnt turn your rational mind off and use a stupid book of faith for your rules! thats the whole point. phelps is doing exactly the same thing the christians here are doing. yay we finally got to the point!

    ok now you are just misspelling it to be awesome. JUDGMENT. one E not two!

    i deserve his wrath and scorn. all praise to him.
  2. LSUsupaFan

    LSUsupaFan Founding Member

    In all that there is a fair point. To truly sin and reject grace we have to know we are doing wrong. If one is perfectly ignorant about right and wrong then sin can't be committed. From a theological point of view an atheust could therefore obtain salvation even without belief in God.

    There is probably some technicallity that will keep you out though. Like all your movie and music stealing. You have to know that is wrong cause red tells you all the time.
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  3. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    supafan is an eample of why religion is so fascinating. he is maybe the smartest person here and yet he still believe that crazy crap. and is totally unashamed of it and how crazy it is. it is awesome. how can he be so crazy? i dont get it. i think about it all the time, how people can be so smart and stupid.

    smart people are really good at some things and not others. i am a freaking genius at some things, smarter than anyone. and oh so terrible at others. oh god so terrible. and supafan is smart, but he is really really terrible at accepting reality by using critical thinking. he is as bad at that and spelling as i am at math.
  4. gumborue

    gumborue Throwin Ched

    god cant keep the nonbelievers from hell if he wanted to. he is how he is, he cant be different. he is not all powerful as most think.

    hell is funny. purely manmade thing just to make people "believe". the purpose of man is really to love god. is "believing" in jesus or loving god really the same as being scared of going to hell?

    the idea of just not being accepted into god's presence make more sense. "hell" is just the absence of god. somehow, nonbelievers on earth are still in the presence of god though. must mean he really does send down angels like clarence to get their wings.
  5. LSUsupaFan

    LSUsupaFan Founding Member

    I would counter with two things. One is I am not all that smart. I consider myself pretty dumb. I can't spell to save my life. I think there is a scale where one end is perfectly dumb and the other is perfectly smart. I am much closer to the dumb end, but abuncha people are just closer to the dumb end than I am. I guess that makes me relatively smart, but that isn't the same thing.

    The second thing is that I think it is you who are terrible at accpting reality using critical thinking. There are many times when I am in church, and I an standing there and get bored and I start thinking, "Man, why am I here. This is boring. I'm just gonna check out the butts of the ladies sitting in front of me." Then I start going through this progression in my mind as to why there must be a God. And once I have that established I start going through this progression of Jesus must be his son, and then I keep going and I conclude that my church has it right. I keep trying myself and attemting to knock myself off my think, butt I can answer every doubt. My point is I cannot understand how a rational person cannot, through reason alone, come to the conclusion that some type of God exists.

    LSUMASTERMIND Founding Member

    If that butt is in your face literally about 2 feet away, is it wrong to check it out?
    By checking it out I mean do I glance or do I try to figure what size she wears and what spring catalog they came from?
  7. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    thats what i mean. you are comically stupid with spelling. but also far better than many of us at understanding various things. i mean you are so bad at spelling it is incredible. you spell stuff in weird and stupid ways. i like it.

    intelligence is a weird thing, so many facets. so many different skills involved in what we call intelligence. i used to assume that when people are really really bad at one thing they were just kinda stupid, but now i realize that the abilities in one mind can be wildly different. really good and also really terrible. this helps me unnderstand why you are so critically bad at resisting religion. there are some other factors involved too, of course.

    yeah man i hear you, its weird.
  8. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    this is an issue i wrestle with daily on the subway, going up the stairs when it is crowded. i cant allow space between people because we are really crowded and going up the stairs. so this often means the lady in front of me is going up the stairs with her sweet sweet ass like directly in front of my face. and what can i do? stare and enjoy? look at my own feet? i choose to stare and enjoy. sorry about that ladies, i like to stare and be creepy. next time try being less sexy.
  9. mobius481

    mobius481 Registered Member

    If you genuinely don't know the answer to that question, then I am concerned for you.

    LSUMASTERMIND Founding Member

    in church?
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