Shreveport Soldier and That lunatic baptist church

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by LaSalleAve, May 28, 2010.

  1. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    well the sinner, not the sin, is the one that ends up in hell. it should be noted that god is gonna send me to burn forever, because i dont have faith and never will. christian god is a impossible *******. F him for sending me to hell.

    LSUMASTERMIND Founding Member

    but that was your choice...
    just like a guy who takes it up the butt, his choice. God didnt make him do it.
    You dont have to be perfect to get to heaven.
  3. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    well i would argue that it isnt really my choice to not believe. i am simply sane and cant be convinced of lies.i cant be christian any more than you can convince yourself to be a follower of zeus.

    and anyways, my point stands, if god hates the sins and not the sinner, he should send then send to hell, not the sinneer. but he doesnt, he makes people burn forever in hellfire. and last time i checked, forever is a long ass time.

    i still think you guys are ignoring the acts of god at sodom and gomorrah, where god clearly punished the folks for being homos and fornicators. and it seems pretty likely that we moderan americans are pretty bad fornicators and gays and whatever. and the american military fights for our freedom. and the freedom of gays!
  4. KyleK

    KyleK Who, me? Staff Member

    No Martin, he doesn't make them do anything. They choose.
  5. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    they choose to burn in hellfire?

    lets say for the sake of argument that the path to heaven is through our lord jesus christ. lets assume that whoever believes in him shall ascend into heaven, and those who reject him go to hell. well, i reject him. i spit on the idea of jesus. if i had a photo of jesus i would poo on it. now, i have chosen to be disrespectful, but i damn sure havent chosen to go to hell. i hate hell and dxont want to go there. so dont tell me that through my actions i have chosen to go to hell. i dont believe in hell and cannot choose to go there. but i go there nonetheless, according to your gay ass superstitions.

    so i havent chosen hell, god has chosen it for me. he will send me there to burn. and my gay friends, if i had any.
  6. LSUsupaFan

    LSUsupaFan Founding Member

    I disagree. God has given you the tools and ability to understand what is required for salvation, and you reject that.
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    LSUMASTERMIND Founding Member

    Im not ignoring those facts in the bible. Im just telling you it was about choice then and its about choice now. But Jesus came to be our intercessor between salvation and the wrath of God.
  8. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    trust me, if i believed in hell, i would choose to do whatever to stay out of it. i would do whatever it is the bossy ass god wants me to do. drink his blood for communion, care about all his goofy laws, you name it.

    but i dont believe in hell and therefore i am not able to make choices as a person that believes.

    heaven is obviously pretty awesome relative to hell. and if i believed in it i would choose the righteous path. but i dont.

    if i told you you were required to do x and y and as a reward i would mail you a billion dollars, you wouldnt do what i say because you dont believe me. and you wouldnt be rejecting my billion. you would be rejecting my lies. and so i am not choosing to go to hell, i am choosing to be sane and believe in reality.
  9. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    i really love the word intercessor.
  10. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    No that's not the point, its a martin smokescreen to divert attention from your failure.

    You said that you can list where the bible says "God hates fags" (which you failed to do, by the way), and challenged me to prove it was blasphemy. So I pointed out (using the actual Bible) that for the protestors to pass judgment was forbidden, as you had requested. You should know by now that the Bible offers a point and a counterpoint to every topic and that I can find it.


    No, they are passing judgement which is forbidden and also invoking the name of God to do it, which is blasphemy.


    You linked my post so you must now suffer the wrath of Odin.

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