Shreveport Soldier and That lunatic baptist church

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by LaSalleAve, May 28, 2010.

  1. gumborue

    gumborue Throwin Ched

    the better stat is that 80% of US high school students, right now, cant find Great Britain on a globe. or that 50% of Christians think you need to be good to get into heaven.
  2. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    you are both right.
  3. mobius481

    mobius481 Registered Member

    No better place. You can sin and repent almost simultaneously. No long standing sin stains on your soul.
  4. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    this is a question i would like to see in a survey. i wonder what percentage of american think you deserve the eternal hellfire. if any christians here want to answer that would be cool too.

    i believe the dominant christian position is that all of are horrible sinners and we all fall way short of the glory of god, and none of us are really good enough to get into heaven. only through the sacrifice of jesus can we be good enough to get into heaven. somehow nailing jeebus to a cross has forgiven our sins so if we believe in him then we can go to heaven, regardless of sins. we can forget the sins, because everyone sins, that isnt the issue. the issue is jesus. only through christ can we get into heaven.

    pretty sure that is the way mainstream christianity works. so yes i think you are going to hell to burn for all eternity, because you are a sinner and you sin like crazy and the only way to be forgiven is though our lord and savior jesus christ.

  5. gumborue

    gumborue Throwin Ched

    its not so much that you (we) do bad things---fall of man / original sin and all. not sure most christians know of that doctrine though.
  6. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    the concept of original sin is so damn stupid i kinda want to cry when i hear that people believe it. i feel like i am watching a special olympics and a competitor has fallen and gotten really hurt. it is a failure that is beyond funny, it is sad and terrible.
  7. gumborue

    gumborue Throwin Ched

    i think its pretty good considering they were making this stuff up on the fly.
  8. TigerFanNTenn

    TigerFanNTenn Founding Member

    The Westboro people found out about a fallen soldier from Erwin, TN and planned on "attending" the funeral. The people of East Tennessee found out and came out in full force for this young man. I was lucky enough to be visiting in Johnson City when they were escorting his body from the airport in Gray to Erwin. People were lined up all along the full 24 miles of interstate in between to pay tribute. Rolling Thunder and the Patriot Guard were there. I quit counting after a while, but the last I heard, there were 177 motorcycles total. It was a beautiful, moving, inspiring tribute to a local hero.


    Apparently his funeral is today (June 21st). I didn't realize that they were only escorting his body home in preparation of the actual service.

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