Shreveport Soldier and That lunatic baptist church

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by LaSalleAve, May 28, 2010.

  1. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    This was a thread happily bashing Phelps until you brought the Bible into it. Freud would make much of this obsession of yours.
  2. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    yeah how interesting, bashing a guy who pickets funerals. what an edgy topic. lets see who can say they hate him the most times. hey guess what, lets start a thread called "i dont like hitler!" then oh boy we could really have a great time and agree and it would be amazing.

    crazy me i think it is interesting to investigate the motivations of those who are considered deviant by our society, and understand the factors that led to them becoming deviant.

    and far as being obsessed with religion, i am not the one who attends weekly meetings of the cult and claims the cult has taught them where the universe came from and why and basically the whole purpose of existence. the idea that millions and millions of people appear to think they have the universe figured out is pretty fascinating.

    if you cant be bothered, i am sure there are other questions that are less interesting that you can ponder.
  3. mctiger

    mctiger RIP, and thanks for the music Staff Member

    de·vi·ant  –adjective
    1. deviating or departing from the norm; characterized by deviation.

    Polls consistently show that anywhere from 80 to 90 percent of Americans believe in God. By definition, it is the non-believers who are "deviant."
  4. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    sure, thats fine i am the deviant, lets talk about me, i love that, but i was referring to the deviance of the guy who protests funerals.

    but you make a decent point, the motivations that drive this man are taken from a holy book that is thought of as the precious word of good by millions and millions of idiots, including most of you.
  5. LaSalleAve

    LaSalleAve when in doubt, mumble

    80 to 90 percent of the world believed the world was flat at one point also. Where is the proof, and why are people who just can't accept that there is a guy in the clouds who supposedly loves everyone but lets murderers run amuck, kids get raped, beaten and killed on a daily basis, children starved, sold into sex slavery looked at as being deviants? If there is a god and he or she is just letting all this happen, but still expects people to devote their lives to him/her, that is just something i can't get with. If i live a good life, help people when i can, don't steal, kill, or intentionally screw people over, raise my family, but don't devote my life to God, i am still going to burn in eternal hellfire????
    1 person likes this.
  6. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    jesus is the only path to heaven. but dont expect the believers to be honest about their religion on that topic either. they fully endorse the bible, until you ask tough questions about what it it actually sayd. then they interpret in ways when make it seem less evil. and they dont hesitate to contradict it. but oh goodness when it is time to justify something stupid and they can use the bible, they are on top of the precious word of our lord.

    the bible clearly states that you are going to hell unless you take jesus into your heart. so enjoy it, and burn. your being a regular fellow with no intent to do anything except kinda have a happy life was not enough for the death cult christianity. their ridiculous narcissistic god needed you to worship his stupid ego so you can get the precious afterlife payments.

    i have heard that you actually get more than heaven, you get 72 virgins if you bomb and murder enough. and that doesnt seem true, but who am i to question anyone's faith?

    " non-religious folk can be quite judgemental regarding religion" - okie

    right. that is a stupid thing to say for so many reasons, not the least of which is the implications that being judgmental is wrong. all beliefs are not equal. some are wrogn and stupid, like fred phelps when he says god hates fags and loves dead soldiers. or is too judgmental to say that? we wouldnt want to ever judge, right?

    " there needs to be more tolerance for others beliefs" - okie

    that midset is why you are all part of the problem. you sit on your hands and agree with the lunatics. an afterlife? yeah sure! lets encourage that idea! yeah, whee we are all ****ing idiots! lets live in this world in a way that will reward us in the afterlife, and if somebody thinks an evil behavior will be rewarded in the afterlife, lets just convince them they they are wrong about what god wants (which cannot really be argued) lets not convince them that afterlife is made up. oh no, cant do that because we are childlike retards as well! and lets hold hands and not ever judge anything because lord knows our own retarded fairy tales might be questioned and they have no justification except for faith! and leave faith alone we are cowards.

    that was a fun rant i enjoyed.
  7. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Nobody read it, martin.

  8. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    that makes me enjoy it slightly less. still enjoyed it though.

    red, it is weird to me that you are not a little more condescending. most americans think you will get what you deserve in the afterlife, an eternity of buring in hell. thats not nice and you do not deserve hellfire just becaue you cant believe in holy jeebus like kylek does.

    nah i am just kidding christians dont really believe that crap. they tell themselves they do when times get tough, when they need to believe it. but for the most part, deep down they know it is BS, they just go along because everyone else is.
  9. LSUsupaFan

    LSUsupaFan Founding Member

    I hardly think you are qualified to speak for the faithful.
  10. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    You have been in New York so long that rudeness comes easily to you, sir. You feel that you must bludgeon opponents, insist that they are stupid, and demand that they acquiesce to your viewpoint.

    I, On the other hand, . . . am a southern gentleman. I describe matters clearly and politely until they feel foolish, unsure, and deferential.

    I'm sure a smart fellow like you would agree with my logic and not feel . . . confused.

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