Show some class

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by stamant79, Sep 15, 2004.

  1. IAM4LSU2

    IAM4LSU2 Founding Member

    Sep 12, 2003
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    There are tons of trailer parks around Auburn. Like LSU has apatments like the Commons, Tiger Plaza and others, Auburn has trail park communitys that some of the students live in. I dont know about you but if I lived in a trailer I wouldnt wanna stay. :rofl:

    Just a little humor in such a trying time... Im in New Orleans right now as I type.
  2. AuburnSpyder

    AuburnSpyder Freshman

    Sep 15, 2004
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    It appears there are a few voices of reason in here. What is harm in waiting until tomorrow or early Friday? This game will NOT be played if health or saftey will be compromised. Everything I have read tells me the people making the decisions are making the right ones. We don't know what this thing is going to do. FYI here is some info from an email I received from the AU Ticket Office today:

    Following are comments on the status of the game from Auburn Athletics
    Director David Housel:

    "We plan to play the game if at all possible and if it is the
    reasonable, right thing to do. We will assess all the variables before
    making a decision. If there are trees in the yard that's one thing; if
    there are trees on the house, that's another thing. If we can get a
    sufficient number of security personnel in Auburn, and if we have the
    basic necessities to run a game, things such as power and water, we
    intend to play. We plan to play if it is a matter of convenience or
    inconvenience, but if it is a matter of health, life or safety, we
    will not play.
    We intend to wait until the last possible moment to
    make a decison. We want to get all of the information possible, so we
    can make a good, educated decison, rather than a quick, and what might
    be incorrect, decision. We may well wait until the storm has passed
    through in order to make an accurate assessment of the damage and the
    number of security personnel who would be available to work the event.

    Auburn will make the call on whether or not to postpone the game,
    based on weather, health and safety concerns. If it is not played on
    Saturday, the SEC Office, Auburn and LSU will discuss the best time to
    make it up. Those options and possibilities have not been discussed at
    this point. We intend to play the game as scheduled if possible, and
    if it is the right thing to do."
  3. Tiger Dabbs

    Tiger Dabbs T.D.

    Oct 30, 2002
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    Uhhh, no one is evacuating TO New Orleans. They are evacuating FROM NO.

    Moot point!
  4. TigerWins

    TigerWins Founding Member

    Sep 15, 2003
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    Many residents in New Orleans are taking shelter from Ivan by staying in the hotels. The mayor suggested this yesterday as an alternative to those who couldn't/wouldn't live the city.

    According to WWL radio this morning, hotel rooms in the city were hard to find.

    Just the facts...

    LSUDAN Founding Member

    Sep 12, 2003
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    You can not mention Auburn University and Class in the same sentence. They just don't go together. The little class they had went out the window the day they hire Tuberville. Auburn people really feal that this Hurricane is not a big deal since they haven't been hit directly since 1979. Well they are about to get a big wake up call in 20 hours when they are all stuck in their houses waiting out this storm. Then they will be spending weeks trying to clean up the mess but the hell with that lets play ball. Auburn University can screw up a wet dream.

  6. tiger fan 2001

    tiger fan 2001 Founding Member

    Nov 3, 2003
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    I am starting to think it's not an AU decision but a CBS decision. Book it CBS is looking for a replacement game if they find one if they haven't already thursday will give them 2 day to set up. AU LSU sells more viewers but once they decide it's not gonna happen bye bye game hello cbs coverage nov 6.
  7. cajdav1

    cajdav1 Soldiers are real hero's

    Dec 26, 2003
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    A new phrase was born, Verticle Evacuation!!! I had never heard that until the mayor said it this morning on CBS.
  8. timmyt

    timmyt Founding Member

    Nov 25, 2003
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    Do you Honestly thinl AU will play this game and risk anyones saftey!!!! Get real. If it is NOT SAFE TO PLAY THIS GAME THEY (AU) WILL POSTPONE THE GAME. It sounds to me like the LSU faithful and AU faithful dont want to play the game for other reasons other than saftey, like our QB' s will be better in Nov???. I think our QBs will be just fine now or later to compete with AU. AU is no world beater in my opinion . If it can be played they will play as they should. One more thing, the saftey of 80,000 people will not be left to a football coach, the Gov. of Ala. will have the last say im sure.
  9. MarineTiger

    MarineTiger Founding Member

    Aug 30, 2004
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    Auburn will try their best, IMO to play this game this weekend. I just dont see it
  10. marcmc99

    marcmc99 Founding Member

    Aug 21, 2003
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    I think you are correct in saying the governor will have the final say. After all, you can't depend on a university who's idea of tradition is throwing sh*t paper in a tree to make an informed decision in a time like this.

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