Thanks for knowing what every Tiger Fan thinks....... I will say this, if LSU had not played in the "National Championship Game" the only thing Tiger fans would have been talking about was that #2 spot we would have had in the polls. Does anyone really think the AP would had put us at #1 if we would have won the Rose Bowl?
What got me during the Rose Bowl was USC's fans. I still cannot believe them. As far as I'm concerned, and probably coach Pete and friends, the fans might as well stayed home. A few golf claps here and there, and that's about it. The band only knows 1 song that makes me want to vomit after hearing it 600 times during a game. That made me realize USC was nothing but a showboat, media loved team. L.A. doesn't care about them, so why should anyone else? Just because they have a mountain with the word "Hollywood" in their city, they're supposedly the #1 team in America? Then when Carrol made those comments after the game, that just put the icing on the cake. Any miniscule amount of respect I had for them just went down the toilet. Hopefully this season, with the pride and love we have for this team, the real champions will rise once again....not just to have another trophy, but for Louisiana, the school, fans, students, and deniers all across the country. No matter what happens this year, they'll still be champions in my book.
you are incorrect. what is true is independent of what i wish is true. if LSU had lost to a weak team like cal instead of florida, as well as played a weaker SOS like USC did, we would have no business playing OU in the sugar, and i would have said so.
The original post was "should we pull for USC so we can kick their butts in the Orange bowl". The answer is NO! All the AP writers and media will again this year give UC an unfair advantage in the polls. They did not deserve to play in the NC game last year and looking at their schedule this year they won't deserve it. It will be a wild ride for Headman and the team this year but if they make it past the SECCG who will they face for the NC.? There are 3-4 teams in the country that may be looking to face LSU in the big one. I don't think it will be a Pac-10 team. :geaux: :laflagwav :usaflagwa
My answer is no, I won't root for USC "Hollywood's Team" so we could play them in the Orange, I would rather see them lose heartily and have us go all the way.
Wow ... LSU fans who are objective should post on another site? Maybe you should be told the same thing with your Brady bashing?
Oklahoma should not have been in the Sugar Bowl, the whole world, including all Tiger Fans, knew it. We all thought that USC would be a cinch and the remaining spot should be our's since OU lost so badly in the Big 12 CG. All of our posters were on the OU board fighting with them, not fighting with USC, as we all "knew" USC was going to in. And I keep hearing about how the Trojans and Carroll handled it so bad, I would like some links to see where they handled it so bad, especially Carroll, asI do not rmeember him saying anything inflammatory or degrading. He said what he should have said for his team and his school. USC did get screwed and so did we. OU is the only one that came out of this better than they should have.
Are you serious???? I seem to remember that most Tiger fans on this board and out in the public thought that USC should be on the outside looking in just as it happened both before and after the Oklahoma loss to K St. Actually ALL of the BCS scenarios I saw had Oklahoma as a lock and the battle to get in being between LSU and the cup cake kids from California. Also many of the so called experts had LSU with a slim to good chance to beat out USC for the only of the two spots up for grabs leaving USC in the Rose. If this was yet another failed attempt at sarcasm I apologize for failing to recognize it as such(long day at work). If it is your true recollection of the opinion of Tiger fans at the time, you need to stop drinking and surfing at the same time. :shock: :grin: :shock: :grin: :shock: :grin: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: PS I'm not calling you an idiot, moron, stupid or any of those things we are no longer allowed to call each other just disagree with your memory of the way things were at the time. :hihi: :hihi: :thumb: :thumb: :wink: :wink:
Well we will disagree then because I distinctly remember when it looked as though it was going to be OU/USC because of all the stupid national talking heads assumptions, the Tiger fans were up in arms about OU being in, not USC. And when I have time I may just try and find some threads somewhere. I was also on the OU website before they made the announcement and it was the LSU fans that were bombarding the OU site just like the USC guys did later. And on the USC site the LSU/USC fans were actually in agreement with each other. Funny how things changed a few days later. And no offense about the idiot, moron, dumb, etc. statements, I think that about myself repeatedly. It's just that for every moronic thing I do I usually follow it up with something much smarter which causes me to change my opinion of myself repeatedly. :lol: