OK Brett, show me exactly what he said that was wrong I read and saw Carroll on many occassions during that time frame and I simply do not remember him saying any thing that any coach would not have said, including Saban. USC was screwed big time and I thought Carroll handled it very well for his team.
If you don't know what the LSU folks would have said that you are really in denial. We have the most viciferous fans in the world and they would have been yelling from the mountain tops if the roles were reversed. And I would have been one of them.
USC wasn't screwed at all. They benefited from a biased system and the fortune of having lost first. USC was no more screwed than any team in any sport that happens to place 3rd according to the rules that govern the bracket. In any system or playoff there is always going to be a team that just misses the cut. The BCS system and rules were in place before the season started. Every team competed equally. The system was designed to pit the top two teams in a national championship game according to a predetermined set of criteria. USC placed 3rd. Not because of bias. Not because of favoritism toward LSU or Oklahoma but because when it was all said and done LSU and Oklahoma earned the right to play for the national championship. USC was a close third. That's the way it goes. It doesn't mean USC wasn't a good team, it just means that LSU and Oklahoma EARNED the right to play for the national championship. Someone will always place 1st, 2nd, 3rd and so on. That is the nature of competition. If anyone was screwed it was LSU when they lost the quality win bonus. The only thing the BCS proved this year aside from LSU earning the National Championship is what a farce depending on a group of 65 biased reporters with agendas to dictate who the national champion is.
I don't understand why some people on this thread are making a case for USC. If some of you are, there is always the USC boards for you to post on! Great Post Brett! :lsup: :911: :usaflagwa
I would have been pissed if we didn't play in the National Championship Game, but the BCS supports only one Champion......... The same thing might happen this year to us, if we don't win the BCS Title Game we are not National Champs. I might be wrong but it is the way I felt before LSU played Gerogia and it's the way I see it today. Good question would be what are all teams trying to win this year.... The Orange Bowl BCS Championship? or The AP #1 spot?
USC did not get screwed. Far from it. They got to proclaim themselves National Champions when, in fact, they were not. I cannot improve on what Brett posted so I won't try. Suffice it to say that, in their hearts, USC wishes they had the crystal football.