Very well put. I don't get the pettyness about being mad over USC saying the won the AP championship. I think some folks care more about saying bad things about USC than they do about enjoying LSU's national championship. I fail to see how USC's actions in any way diminishes LSU and LSU fans.
Saban would not have turned down the awarding of any national championship. Southern won the Black NC. USC won the AP National Championship. The difference is how Nick Saban handled it. Going into the final BCS calculation, Nick said that we respect the system and will accept the results. After the fact, USC said we don't like the results, so we will now call the Rose Bowl THE NC and the AP NC is now THE NC. I think Saban would have accepted an AP NC, while agreeing that we did not play in the BCS title game for THE NC. Its clear, at least to me, that Saban is a man of integrity, who is willing to play by a set of pre-defined rules. Just don't be changing the rules when you don't like the outcome. That's what spoiled, bratty little kids do.
"Carroll didn't say anything at all that Saban wouldn't have said" Wrong. Saban made it quite clear that the BCS system is the system we all agreed to play under and whatever happened he would stand behind the decision. He said this before it was determined that LSU would play in the Sugar Bowl. Carroll on the other hand was fine with the BCS until it was clear that USC did not earn a spot in the top two. Carroll's proclamation that USC is the national champion is a slap in the face to every LSU (and Oklahoma) player who played by the rules and earned a spot in the Sugar Bowl which everyone agreed was where the national championship would be decided. Carroll's message is that the rules don't matter if you find yourself on the outside looking in. Saban is a man of character and honor that was willing to abide by a system even when it appeared that LSU would be screwed by it, ie. losing bonus points for beating a top ranked Georgia team twice. Carroll said many, many things that Saban wouldn't have said.
The strength of schedule system is flawed in that it only counts wins and loses. Look at it this way. One team beats number 50 and number 49. The other team beats number 100 and number 1 Which would you say is more impressive ?
It depends if they beat the #1 rated team in the first game of the season and that team went on to lose 5 more games that year. I don't think you should base strength of schedule on rankings because they are subjective.
Thanks but actually I think we were both composing our posts at the same time and we both happened to touch on the same subjects. Great minds think alike.
I don't know for sure if LSU would have claimed a National Title last year if we had not played in the Sugar Bowl for the BCS National Title. Sorry, but if you don't play in that game you don't have a right to call yourself National Champs, I don't care what the AP poll says. This year will be no different, we start off all knowing the BCS Title game is in the Orange Bowl this year, we know (or will) know how the BCS is going to name it's top two teams, if people or teams don't like it let us know now, not after the BCS spits out it's teams and upsets someone. If LSU had not played in the BCS NC game then how could we claim to be National Champs? Thats just the way it is..........
Support USC?!?! If the Trojans were playing the Taliban National football team I would be watching with a turbin on my head.