but you wouldnt want to pay for their kids to be in daycare would you? i know, i know---"then they shouldnt have kids" well thats just dandy for the kids. it is idiotic to force single moms of pre-school aged kids to work. a better idea is to find the father and force them to work.
Isn't it funny how things have changed since the 1950's? Remember when only the man of the house had to work? then it went to the woman of the house working, then some of them getting 2 jobs, and now both parents work, never get to spend much time with the kids to barely get the bills paid. Costs are going up, wages are not. Greed has run amuck in this country and when the top 1% who made about 8% of the worlds wealth 50 years ago, make about 27% of the worlds wealth now, continue to not share profits with their employees, this is going to continue to happen. The rich get richer, the poor get poorer, and the middle class will become obsolete.
It's all about ratings Red. That demographic is the one that buys stuff with their own money. And conservatives have a right to be angry. And it's a bi-partisan anger. On the subject, they should be allowed to vote. I think an IQ test for every prospective voter would be in order though.
Real conservatives are angry about govt. spending, bailouts, patriot act, useless wars, etc. etc. The sad part is those that claim to be conservatives back each of those things.