Hey i've backed up everything i said i provided links and so on,..... for everything. Even with proof your in denial. Obama can kill a 12 year old kid with cancer right in front of your eyes and you will defend him and say he's not a murderer. I can't help you live in some la la land fantasy world. The reason you can't come up with links is that your full of bull, like always! You want everyone else to PROVE IT, like you say. Well i guess you don't like a taste of your own medicine. So prove it old man! Like you once told me provide a link or GTFO!!!!
I disagree, i have watched my 6 year old cousin fight cancer for 2 years now and his dad my uncle, a doctor try and find numerous ways to combat the side affects and in the end he found natural herbal meds recommended by other doctors (not dope) that helped fight these side effects. Give me some time and i'll call my uncle and gladly post what he gave my cousin to help him. There are other and better alternatives than dope that are not man made. OH! Love the Justified Poster...lol good one.
Hey OP, did you mean disabled veterans who have been injured while in the line of duty and can't work shouldn't be allowed to vote as well because they get an a disability check from Uncle Sam? What about victims of incidents not of their own making? Like the families of 9/11 or Katrina survivors who can't make ends meet because their husband/wife/mother/child/etc. who was the provider for the household was killed? Widows/widowers of vets/police officers/firefighters who dies in the line of duty? Do you think they should be denied their constitutional right to vote too? Exactly who are you saying shouldn't be allowed to vote? Please clarify, and be specific. And then let us know what class of law abiding legal citizen you feel should next have their rights revoked because you think they shouldn't have it.
Speaking of La-la fantasyland . . . :insane: You ain't the first to make that mistake. :lol: Yeah, you're right, I was estimating when I said 90%. It's actually 86%. LINK! The 11,915 families that receive welfare in Louisiana all have dependent children (100%) and make less than $4,320/year. There are 3,697 adults and 23,052 children (86% children). The caseload that is child-only is 70%. Total cost $44 million. LINK!
Make "too" much money = get taxed pay for benefits you don't use Make "too" little money = don't get taxed yet get benefits you didn't pay for
This is the way of Western Civilization, Pedro. Society has always had to subsidize the indigent among us. There aren't that many of them and it's better for all of the rest that they don't have to live in third-world shantytowns and be beggars and thieves among us. We are the USA and we don't treat the unfortunate among us like we were friggin' Somalia. We don't want that kind of squalor to exist here.
I can agree to that. My point was the amount the "haves" have to pay and the increasing size of that subsidy. Not to mention the "have-nots" are usually un-educated as seen with this debate on Health Care. They don't even know the meaning of insurance or what the idea of managing risk means. Just gimme gimme gimme.
"It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried." -- Sir Winston Churchill