That's the mount at the local tackle shop- they're mounted on that board, up behind the counter. Can't believe he let Nootch take it out back to act like he caught 'em.
good lord. that FISH is almost as big as he is! EDIT: FISH! get your freaking minds out of the gutter. sheesh!
Remember my last post concerning the redfish scouting trip I went on...and the couple of reds that we kept? Well... Here's the rest of the story! At about 6pm tonight, they looked like this... At about 6:05... About 6:15... About 6:20... And finally, 6:30... Ahhhh, redfish on the half shell, and cheese grits baby! Life is good! Recipe upon request.:thumb:
damn homie it looks like you like seasoned salt as much as i do on my grits (if that is what it looks like).