crawfish man he is still in high school. let it be. If brett was hurting or was in a bind he knows he could ask us and 99% of us would help out in a heartbeat.
cgisclair I know you are just a kid maybe your parents should invest in some parental control. this site might be too advanced for you. shack has won wherever he has gone. he is a team player and he contributes whenever he gets a chance how many people do you know that buy tons of christmas gifts for needy kids. hmmm maybe he needs to buy a gift for you since you are a little kid. what is your favorite toy at toys r us i think that is normally where he gets all of his gifts from but back to my point wherever shack goes he wins regardliess of the team.
It is Shaq 1st off (not Shack)... Secondly, did I not say that he was a great man off the court? And finally, my 17 year old IQ is higher than yours! That is all!
I think we should all pitch in to help cgisclair buy a lawnmower. You could cut a third of an old lady's backyard and make enough cash to pay for a whole year of TF's... If not, you can come cut my grass with my mower and i'll buy you a 2 year membership.... All kids your age should have a summer job. get creative, there are plenty of jobs out there....
Does your grandma have a car? You can drive down to the local Piggly Wiggly and get a money order.Who knows, maybe Shaq will be there. I bet he would buy you a fake pack of those candy cigs... Does Granny have any friends that she plays bridge or bingo with? Maybe they need a pool boy or their grass cut. I might just have to end up buying your sorry @ss a membership if you can't find the change in the old lady's sofa........ BTW, i hope granny gets well soon. My dad is currently fighting the Big C and is taking chemo once a week.....
im sure you are a pretty smart kid and make good grades in high school but not everyone gets to take advanced solitaire in high school and im sure thats the kind of classes you are taking.
I made a 29 on my ACT. That is all I will say to your comments! Thanks for the kind words Crawfish... Same goes to your father. Chemo is tough! All granny got is a hip replacement, but she fought a little infection. SO... ya know how that goes!
Man, ya'll really need to lay off cgisclair. Especially this new guy Kent that can't even spell Shaq. Crawfish I'm suprised you're one to be jumping on cgisclair for this. It's optional to contribute. If he doesn't have the cash or if he just choses not to - it's his choice.
I can handle the banter with Crawfish, because he can actually read, and for the most part is joking with me.. But this Kent fella claims to be "pro-LSU" and can't spell Shaq... yeah... shame on cgisclair lol