If people would stop throwing things at them when they show up here, maybe we would be #1 experience. Same goes for the student section. stop throwing things when we score.
Georgia is way overrated on that prettiest coeds list. Ole Miss should be #1, then us, then UF, and then UGA.
Florida co-eds make Domer girls look like Gisele. Anyways, I went in with an open mind and after reading the article... lemme see how I feel really quick. yep, I still can't stand Herbie.
OK, I get it. He's a Buckeye. Poor b@st@rd. But The Golden Band From Tigerland get's skunked? C'mon.... And Ohio State gets best Gameday because Bo died? Pah-lease. I guess you gotta FEEL the band comin' down the hill, BREATHE in the damp, bourbon-laced air, ABSORB the drum line leading up to YOU KNOW WHAT... No matter how many times I hear it, those first four notes ignite me like a solid rocket booster... Whatever, Herbie. 41-14, loser boy. 41-14. _____________________ lsutigerbait.blogspot.com
I can't believe that he didn't have the aTm band ranked. They are certainly one of the best if not the best in all of college football.
Ole Miss should not be on the list. There should be asterisk by #1, with an explanation that Ole Miss was not considered for issues of fairness, sorta like the ole Playboy best party school lists did with LSU before Louisiana decided to bend over on the drinking age. I tend to agree. aTm does VERY basic marching moves, but they do them with great precision. I really enjoy watching their band, which is cool because I normally can't say the same about their team. Personally, I would have Southern and Grambling at the top, and then have LSU at the top for traditional bands. But that's just me -- constantly seeking entertainment at a...uuhhhh....entertainment event like CFB.