The amount of ignorance in this thread is mind numbing... UHC is about getting more bang for the buck. They're going to take the money from us if we like it or not. Why not demand that they use it more efficiently? I just want them to give us a better product in return. Several countries have similar or better life expectancies and health care for less per capita than the US. I never thought that I would see the day that Americans didn't want to maximize the value of a service they receive...
Give me one, just ONE, example of the federal government running anything efficiently. It's your naivete that's mind boggling.
I didn't say efficiently; I said more efficiently, meaning improving in efficiency and/or becoming more efficient. I know that comprehension isn't your strong suit, but damn... Nothing that large is going to be efficient, government, private business, etc.
Some people just want the Govt. to take care of them from cradle to grave and they are willing to spend their money and your money to do that. Sad.
an others think their tax dollars should go to the wellness of themselves and family, and fellow man, and not to fund the military industrial complex.
And others think most overseas military operations should be shut down, the department of energy and education should be shut down with alot of the other departments. Then take that saved money, pay off debt. Then LOWER my freaking taxes so I can take care of my family and fellow man MYSELF.
That's a distinction without a difference. You do realize that this country will be facing a 10 trillion dollar deficit.
Wow...that sums it all up...Those who think Government was first created for protection and to unify the states in time of national issues that the states could not handle and those who think the government should handle all our problems. :usaflagwa