Those are all administrating agencies. Obama wants the government to become a health insurance provider. Huge difference.
National Forests compete with private forests, it's more than administration. The USGS competes with private map makers. Etc.
Come on Red. Private forests competing with National parks? For what? Squirrels? And private map makers rely upon the US Geological Service for much of their data. There's no competition there. The Constitution tells the Gov't to regulate banking and to operate a post office, but there's nothing about getting into the insurance business. The courts can turn a turd into an apple pie but my common sense won't allow that.
National Forests. For timber! Our national forests are not forest preserves, although they should be. Actually the data flow goes both ways but the point is that both government and private cartographic operations exist and furthermore, neither forests nor maps are part of the constitution, yet are still valid and valuable public assets.
Neither of which has one thing to do with this debate. The Government foresters and mapmakers are not intruding into our lives. They administer their little piece of the action and have no effect on our daily lives. The framers of the Constitution were not concerned with these activities. What they were concerned about was having the Government tax us until we scream and then take the tax money and shove programs down our throats, despite widespread opposition by WE THE PHUCQUING PEOPLE!!! Smoke that you bunch of frickin potheads.
They intrude into mine! Nor with administering heath care. Only it does not say that. This argument has become circular. We The People and the Government are one and the same. "A government OF the People, BY the People and FOR the People" -- A Lincoln Alcoholic delirium?