Set of Irons

Discussion in 'New Roundtable' started by shane0911, Jun 23, 2010.

  1. KingEmeritus

    KingEmeritus ofthePoint

    Jun 23, 2010
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    The best thing you can do is to get custom fitted golf clubs. But, there are two different ways to go about this.

    1. If you plan on getting lessons, don't get custom fitted unti you have truly grooved the new swing. Getting a set of clubs fitted for your swing is worthless if you are going to change your swing.

    2. If you are fine where you are and want to find a good set of clubs to fit your swing, then get fitted.

    One more thing. I would suggest not using random tips from golf magazines for random flaws. It just gets confusing.
  2. tirk

    tirk im the lyrical jessie james

    Feb 4, 2004
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    i bought this set a few weeks ago but only been able to go to the range a few times as of yet.

    driver,3w,5w,4h,5h and 6I thru SW.

    i can hit the shiit out of the irons but just as soon leave the driver at home. everyone else loves hybrids. i like them ok. im sure all this will change once i play enough to hate the irons like everyone else.


    this doesnt help you any I was just showing you my cheap set. If you can almost break 100 already and do so consistently you're way ahead of the game.

    ive only played a few times myself but have been meaning to make time to play.
  3. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    I know what you mean. For a long time I wouldn't even look at my driver but took a lesson, changed my grip and starting to hit it with some consistency. Don't have any hybrids yet but I've hit a few of them and really like the results. Golf pro told me I need longer clubs than what I am swinging so when I spring for a new set I'll have a couple of them in there.

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