You suffer from "invincible ignorance " so does your vile disgusting libtard party. You keep losing elections, lost 2 more last night 5 in a row now. The face of your party is a 79 year old avowed marxist socialist clown and by a baffoonish babbling dried up disgusting marxist socialist witch of a senator who lies to the nation about being an indian. And just when you think the face of your party cant get any worse Eric Holder and Kamala Harris are jumping in, 2 more corrupt vile disgusting America hating marxist socialist.
Nope. Here is what I said....not implied.....said.... "Here's the team Mueller has assembled...." Nope. No implication. I was very clear in what I said. Here's a recap, Senor Duncecap.... " When Mueller hired the team I described above, with over 90% partisan donations," Get it? THE TEAM I DESCRIBED ABOVE.....who DID have 90% partisan donations. I did not say they were Democrats. I said that of all their total donations, 90% went to Democratic candidates. That is fact per FEC records. Not voter registration records, FEC records. I am, in fact, 100% correct. Furthermore, in another analogy you should be able to understand, you may like to call them underlings, but is that what an NFL team calls their 1st round draft picks? Or are they franchise players? Immediate impact type mofuggers? The other people they will be hiring who are largely unnamed (meaning YOU made assumptions) are the free agents. I didn't cherrypick.....Mueller hired these people FIRST and they were the ONLY names provided. Capiche? And now that one more name is release, surprise! Another investigator with ties to liberal SC justices. I never did and I never would. Bitch had plenty of Dem cock-blockers to help her cause and she still couldn't beat Trump. Lol. Shit just tears you up, don't it snowflake.
Thanks for proving that you're not only a liar, but a hypocrite. And the entirety of that your last post? Pathetically desperate. Why did you choose to ignore the Bama analogies you first proffered? Embarrassed? Is there a LMAO icon around here somewhere?
Not ignoring at all. That analogy still stands quite nicely. Would you be okay with a Bama alum heading up or any SEC team member as a judge (or multiple judge) on a COI regarding an LSU investigation? And you have not given one name of any other investigator that Mueller has hired so your claim of "just 5" doesn't hold water because you don't know any. Neither does anyone else because the names haven't been made public. Liar. If truth is desperation, then I am the Queen of Impossible. Now Liar, bow down and kiss my boots.