Sorry sport I got that from WAPO and Snopes is a left wing shill site that has been discredited time after time
When he's right, he's right. Here's the team Mueller has assembled.... James Quarles: Worked on Watergate prosecution, worked with Mueller at WilmerHale. FEC Filings: $34,400 total to all candidates, $31,650 of that to Democrats (he gave to Republicans Jason Chaffetz $2,500 and George Allen $250), so 92% of his giving was to Democrats Jeannie Rhea: Clinton lawyer, worked with Mueller at WilmerHale. FEC Filings: $13,950 to Democrats (including DNC, Mark Udall, Sheldon Whitehouse, Chris Van Hollen, Obama and Hillary campaigns.) Clinton Connections: $5,400 to Hillary’s 2016 campaign. AND she’s a former Hillary Clinton and Clinton Foundation lawyer! “She has already received attention for representing the Clinton Foundation in a racketeering lawsuit brought by a conservative advocacy group, and also represented Clinton herself in a lawsuit seeking access to her private emails,” according to CNN. Andrew Weissman: Led Enron Taskforce, questionable hiring by Obama’s Justice Department. FEC Filings: $4,300 to Democrats (DNC and Obama.) Aaron Zebley: “Zebley once represented former Hillary Clinton aide Justin Cooper, who helped manager her private email server.” Michael Dreeben: There has been some confusion because a Michael W. Dreeben identified himself as Deputy Solicitor in the Justice Department, but the real Deputy Solicitor General is Michael R. Dreeben and he denies contributing to Hillary. To summarize..... In total, Mueller’s team has made $52,650 in political donations since 1997, 95% of which ($49,900) went to Democrats.
You sound scared. Rod Rosenstein is a Republican, first appointed by GW Bush. Robert Mueller is a Republican, first appointed by GW Bush. When Rosenstein was appointed by Trump the applause from Republicans was universal. When Mueller was appointed by Trump the applause was universal. Now that both men have demonstrated a bit of backbone and respect for the rule of law, Republicans are trying to smear their integrity.... even dredging up some of this ridiculous tangential shit you cut and pasted. Guess what? IT'S WASHINGTON DC. Spurious lines of "connection" can be drawn up between almost anybody.
Here is the deal. Even if Rosenstein had chosen a tag team of Hillary and Bill to run the special prosecution, if Team Trump has nothing to hide, then why not say, "Bring it on, Mutha." As I routinely state on this and other fora, the GOP are mean, but the liberals are uber-stupid, so, while very far from a right wing nut, given equal interest in outcomes, I generally prefer the GOP to win, since stupid trumps mean (no pun intended). Unfortunately in this case, the President and his men look bad, and are looking bad, worse, every day. If they have nothing to hide, they have pissed away countless goodwill and more importantly, time. Unexplainable. If they have something to hide, it will come out, always does, and then they are the "Great Satans" that the left depicts. But, at the end of the day, they will all still be billionaires with a few pauper, millionaires thrown in for diversity, while health care sucks, the national parks are decimated, and roads and bridges crumble. No matter who "wins" the Washington battle, the country continues to lose and slip further down the slope of oblivion.
The GOP are mean? If they are "mean" as you say then the Dems are profoundly evil. Also I see a lot of class envy in your post. Be careful with getting too close to Rex he will suck the intellegence right out of you.
Barring taped conversations or email discovery, indictments on collusion will be difficult... which only highlights how incredibly moronic the orange buffoon's attempts at obstruction have been.