Actually, Paul wrote "Let It Be," but what the heck. Geauxscott, I wish I were there. I used to attend the Senior Bowl squad practices at UMS and Davidson HS back in the 70s and it was always a great thrill to be standing in the crowd and realize that Chuck Noll or Tom Landry was suddenly standing right next to me watching the practice.
Thank you Pastimer, a realm of "whatever". Hey, do you get you'r e name from the PASTIME LOUNGE? Long ago, far away, how about any one remember the Talawhaw Lounge, I didn't think anyone on this board from B.R. could forget it.
You took offense??:shock: You said independently wealthy meaning wealthy independent of others. I said dependently wealthy. You know, wealth was dependent on others. Like, say... a rich widow, or parents. You know? It's a joke. A play on words. A clever(?) juxtaposition of phrases to elicit a humorous response. Do you see?
that's good news for Henderson. He really needs a chance to show that he's 100% and redy to go. He played through alot of minor injuries last season. Good luck DH.
JP Losman said he was the best QB in the Draft and the best QB in the world. What a bunch of crap. Wait, he goes to Tulane, so go figure.
yeah I know what you mean....I saw Dan Marino, Jon Gruden, Jim Haslett, and a few other coaches today. Also as I was sitting there watching practice a little kid came up to the guy sitting next to me and asked him for his autograph.....I hadn't been paying attention to who was sitting around me so when I looked up it was Ozzie was pretty cool
For some reason, the Pastime is my favorite food/drink hangout in BR. I have jokingly told my son that when I die I want my ashes spread there - for the simple fact that they won't be swept out for years. Don't remember the Talawhaw, but then again there are a lot of places I used to go in that I don't remember. Where was it?