not so sure. Dems may be be thinking he is damaged goods... The Fix - Arlen Specter and the Perils of Party Switching
the thing is, if anyone else is looking to switch, knowing they could likely lose any seniority they have, could make them reconsider.
I ain't so sure. Spector has always voted 60% republican and that's probably not going to change. They weren't going to let him leapfrog senior democrats who vote 5% republican. I doubt if anyone else is looking to switch.
i doubt it too. but for thinking ahead to possiblilties, it sure sends the wrong message. it just seems short-sighted to me.
maybe, but its intended to get him to toe yelwink2 the party line. if it works, they have their #60, if not, he's Sen Arlen Spector PA (R) with little power.
or it could backfire in they will not have arlen spector at all. seems i read somewhere that early polling on the issue showed not having seniority was damaging to his chances of re-election. sorry, cant remember where i read that and cant find a link.
oh.... and i agree with whoever said your secretary needs to be slapped for that comment. that would irritate the snot out of me.