That makes him a snake because he is trying to get reelected? Wouldnt be the first politician to flip flop to cater to his base.
So it matters not to you that he cares more about getting reelected than staying true to himself? Look at Salty's post. He was adamant that he was staying republican. He sees a few polls, realizes he can't get reelected being true to what he believes, so he flip flops to hopefully get new constituents, not to please his existing constituents. Yep, snake.
You know, I don't think Spector is going to be an automatic 60th vote. If he remains the pragmatic moderate he has been for decades, he'll be voting with both sides depending on the issue at hand.
I don't entirely disagree with you there Red. I just have a problem w/ flip floppers pandering to voters.
This chump is a dinosaur, already extinct. Bye bye. He wouldn't win the Republican primary next election and he won't with the Democratic primary either.
He is staying true to himself, hes never been a strict conservative republican, he has been a moderate. Like I said in my first post he will continue to straddle the fence, all he did was change parties, not his believes. I dont need to look at that post, I heard what he said this morning at the press conference. He was going to get beating in the primairy, by at strict conservative, but that conservative would have lost the general election. Of course the guy is going to try to save his hide.
The problem I have is that he was elected by the people as a representative of the Republican point of view and I don't think it's up to him to change. He's not up there representing himself.
SF and Dude, I think we are on the same page. It's a shame how politics is so much about self preservation and not about serving the people who elected you.
I don't follow. If he's doing this to get re-elected, then he's going to be re-elected by the same constituency that elected him before. He's still going to be serving the people that elected him.