Troy St. is pretty much the last team on our sched. that have to worry about being harassed by a fan but o well dosnt really bother me
I pledge to beat up, spit on, piss on and anything else we are accused of, at least one visiting fan each home game this year ... preferably a woman or small child. If ya gonna accuse me, I might as well do it...
Spit on the woman, eat the baby. Or maybe the other way around if she's good looking!! :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:
I was thinking the same thing about not caring enough about Troy State to Tiger Bait them. Oh, and they got two parts of the Urban Legend wrong: 1) It's the LSU Police Department, not the Athletic Department, that doesn't guarantee the safety of opposing fans, and 2) we don't throw beer bottles (everyone has kegs, right?); we throw Jack Daniels bottles (empty, OF COURSE.)
when i went to the 1999 lsu-auburn game, and auburn fan kept saying maybe we can distract the tigers by throwing purses on the field.(this was because larry foster was kicked off the team for pursesnatching) instead of beating the auburn fan with an empty beer bottle, i just ignored him. so if that guy did not get assaulted by me, i don't think i would assault a troy fan.
oh, and just because we say the stadium is death valley doesnt make it so. just like auburn fans saying how bad we treat visitors doesnt make it so.
The problem is... that these morons from auburn, and these other "schools" that constantly b***h and moan about fan behavior, cannot have "TigerBait" yelled at them and realize its all in fun. I can't tell you how many posts I have read where some two-toothed redneck complains "they yelled TigerBait at me and my 6 year old". Then Bubba-no-brain chirps in with "they threw a bottle at my 80 year old father"... then they're off. never to be slowed down again. Face it, LSU has more spirit than any other fan base. Our fans get involved. Our fans yell for our team. Other fans don't understand this is just fun and often get defensive. THATS when most of the confrontations occur. Although in my 30+ years I have seen amazingly few of these bottles hitting redneck heads. I'm sure it happens **rolleyes** but I must have just missed it. Our team wins. Not many complaints arise when someone comes in and beats LSU. But when WE win it just pours out like it was all made in some great big whiny baby factory somewhere and shipped to alabama.