Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by lsubatgirl04, May 26, 2005.
Patty's up- Counts 1-1
Gill's the hottest right now, so... Geaux Gill
Grounds out to SS. Gill up. 2 Away.
Blake's nickname is Mr. Clean... So Mr. Clean has 2 out and no one on...
And he's out swinging... Bottom of the 3rd. Thugs up 0-2
I hate pitching duels! I wanna see some long ball!
Counts 2-2 on Alley. Bat Girls bringing the Tigers Red Bull cause it gives you wiiiiiiiings...
It's harder to hit those because the park's bigger. Dammit.
2 away. Arencibia up.
Big?? Hoover Met is HUGE! (hence the red bull...)