Tubbervillllllle lost 2 games of what ? I thought the players of Auburn lost 2 games. Anybody smell urine in the forum. Oh yeah ther's a Barner in here.
And who was the only coach in the SEC to beat Tubby this year? Who was that again......? Oh yeah, that's right. Coach Miles.
Again, send the thank you card to Miami. :thumb: Nicely done ramah...I have too many green dots. Please take mine. :rofl: Go Hawgs!!! :grin:
Damn Ramah Their letting you out of the straightjacket less and less. Looks like Saban and Ramah have the same stress tolerance level. Ramah lama ding dong. Ramah you remind me of Edith Bunker.
Holy Crap ramah! Do you see how low you have sunk? Freaking AuNuma is giving you green. What happened to you man? Did someone slip you something over there in Thailand that screwed up your mind? What an embarrassment. As for the thank you card, I would send him one thanking him for the recruits. But, Miles is the one developing the talent and winning the games. I know you hope that this year is just a fluke and we will drop off next year. You go on believing that. It's going to be fun stomping you guys in your place next year. I've already got it circled on the calendar.
They're gonna go alright... And next Saturday when your ol lady tells you to get her another beer from the box while you are watching LSU in Atlanta...****ing Hogs!