Winston is a blockhead, him insulting me is the equivalent of a kid sticking out his tongue from a passing car. Literally no affect at all
I know you certaintly don't need me to defend you just like making Winston squirm he is so beautiful and sexy when he's angry.
Better leave your cornbread in the oven a lot longer there paperwall before you see us run in fear from the likes of you and your little pajama boys on the left. You belong with the sissy's on the left where balls are small and pedophiles reside. Real men don't eat soy burgers or swish and skip along with your merry band of gutless little metrosexuals. You talk big but you are heap big smoke no fire.
i listened to literally every second of the college admissions case yesterday. 5 hours. its stunning how stupid sotomayor is. she said we have de jure segregation in america. she means de facto. de jure means by law, meaning we have legally imposed segregation. this is the kind of mistake she should never make. gorsuch is the smartest. barret is very smart as well. they kept making the point that giving blacks an advantage must come at the expense of non blacks. there are limited positions. so each person that gets admitted means another does not. any racial benefit given to someone is necessarily discrimination against another. the stupifer justices simply cannot understand this. they kept saying its not negative discrimination against asians, its just help for blacks. AT THE EXPENSE OF ASIANS YOU DIPSHITS its a zero sum game. helping one guy hurts another. this is a concept the liberal justices cannot understand. ridiculous. one of the smart justices tried to explain it. "if you are in a race, and you get a 5 yard head start, thats the same thing as giving everyone else a 5 yard penalty. they didnt get it. over their heads.