SCIENTIST takes strong stand against those who blindly accept harmful AGW caused by CO2

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by DoctorDave, Sep 14, 2011.


    PURPLE TIGER HOPE is not a strategy!

    If "scientists" can create a green technology which allows conservatives to survive and liberals to disappear...I'll be happy to support the manmade myth. :D

    A quicker solution would be for all liberals to go back and time and be aborted. I'll gladly use my tax dollars for that too! :thumb:
  2. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Nature has no intent nor sentience of any kind. It is just an amazing set of intrinsic natural processes that evolve and adapt to changes. Only in the last 15,000 years have humans developed agriculture and civilization and thus began changing the natural order of business. Before that we had no more impact than any other animal.

    We evolved to be so smart. We were not "made".



    And the highest-order primates have developed the advanced capability to modify their environment for both good and bad. The most evolved among us now seek to adapt to a carbon polluted environment.
  3. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    And this is why the Neanderthal Republicans are going nowhere. They are failing to evolve. They base their "science" on Hebrew mythology.

    PURPLE TIGER HOPE is not a strategy!

    Amen! :D
  5. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    “We evolved to be so smart. We were not "made".”

    Maybe earth is evolving…..

    Though, the entire principle behind evolving has seems only to be limited to certain aspects, as if a true warmer planet is a bad thing… If that can even be proven….
  6. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    There is no meaningful way to define an "optimum" average temperature for planet earth. Surely some point between the last ice age and the extreme warmth we may be heading for, with tropical forests inside the arctic circle, is as good as any other.

    It doesn't matter. The critical issue is not what the temperature is, or may be, or will be. The critical issue is how fast it is moving.

    Rapid change is the real danger. Human habits and infrastructure are suited to particular weather patterns and sea levels, as are ecosystems and animal behaviors. The rate at which global temperature is rising today is unique in the history of our species.

    This kind of sudden change is rare even in geological history. Rapid climate change is the prime suspect in most mass extinction events, including the Great Dying some 250 million years ago, in which 90% of all life went extinct.

    What we know about ecosystems, and what geologic history demonstrates, is that dramatic climate changes -- up or down -- are a tremendous shock to the biosphere and cause mass extinction events. This is the bogeyman we must avoid.

    For the first time since the dinosaurs disappeared 65 million years ago, humans are driving animals and plants to extinction faster than new species can evolve, biodiversity experts have warned.

    Conservation experts have already signalled that the world is in the grip of the "sixth great extinction" of species, driven by climate change, the destruction of natural habitats, hunting, and the spread of alien predators and disease.
  7. Mjolnir

    Mjolnir Prodigal Son

    Yes, we are experiencing lots of weather swings but supposedly we are having temperatures increasing on other planets, too. It's not fair. I want my twin turbo 6.0L quad cam V-12.
  8. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    So buy electric cars that run off energy plants that run off fossil fuels?

    Define dramatic climate change in retrospect to the last "Great Extinction"? Even then, nature found a way to preserve life correct? I mean, it is to the point where humans actually think they can change what is inevitable.

    We are apart of nature. Everything we are is the cycle in which we are and were created.

    Even if evolution is your key, why did we evolve this way? Why do we require fossil fuels and SEC sports?

    Again, at what point will MAN MADE GLOBAL WARMING kill us off?

    Then again, whose to say we can't evolve again to adapt to a warmer planet as intended.....
  9. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    how can we rule out whatever happened then as the thing that may happen now? apparently this is a regular occurrence, why should we expect anything other than a repeat of it?

    destruction is a meaningless word in this context and indicates a total lack of perspective. habitats just change, they are not destroyed. the desert-dwelling snake is not complaining when the rain forest becomes desert. the human is not necessarily complaining when permafrosted areas in canada become farmland.
  10. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    You confuse natural phenomenon with anthropogenic phenomenon. Nobody has ever suggested that we can or should change natural cycles. The issue is changing what we are doing that has caused carbon to spike since the industrial era. That is something we can change. Natures answer to this is to eliminate humans, thereby eliminating the problem. We can work for a better outcome.

    So what. It doesn;t mean we can't make a good situation bad within that cycle. Did you read my last post? The thing is the speed in which the AGW change is happening. Nature will kill us slowly, but we are killing ourselves rapidly.

    Our brain has evolved far beyond simply living off the land like a chimp. We do great things because we can. Not all of the great things are without consequences for us, however.

    Opinions differ. The point is that we are already at the point where it is impacting us. Sea-level rise alone will displace billions of people. Climate shifts will ruin many established agricultural zone and cause extinctions. Ocean acidification is depleting the ocean of calcium carbonates needed for coral reefs, mollusk and crustacean shells with great potential impact on the ocean food chain.

    We can't evolve fast enough.

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