Schools you love to hate

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by bolobolo, Aug 12, 2003.

  1. DallasLSU

    DallasLSU Founding Member

    Jan 29, 2003
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    Good point, texascajun...

    Also,AuNuma1, don't start that shit of "Tuberville let up on lsu at the end of the game last year." Every team has a fan that makes that remark I'm sorry that you're him for Auburn. No coach has EVER let up on a team, EVER. Sending in the second string isn't letting up, it's finding time for your future starters. Don't even start that shit man...

    And about Auburn kicking LSU's ass? I really laugh at that because I guess you weren't at the 2001 Auburn-LSU game? Yeah that's the one where we beat Auburn and won the SEC West. It's a back and forth battle between LSU and Auburn and any relatively smart person out there knows that. How old are you?13?14?
  2. chuck

    chuck Founding Member

    Jan 10, 2002
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    Declining a pass interferance call on a complete pass b/c the completion got you 10 yards and a first down and the PI gives you 15 is letting up. Kneeling on the ball inside the 5 to let the time run out is letting up. . . .

    Dallas LSU . . I'm pretty sure that was less than a 14 point margin back in '01 - not sure that's a butt whuppin'. 2002 and 1999, by a combined score of 72-14 is a butt whuppin'.

    Also . . 7-4 for the last 11 years is hardly back and forth . .:) . .okay, yes - I'm stat rigging . .go back an even 10 and its 6-4 . . not quite back and forth . but pretty close . . (AU, AU, LSU, LSU, AU, LSU, AU, AU, LSU, AU)
  3. SouthLink02

    SouthLink02 Founding Member

    Jun 24, 2003
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    And let me give you some help. That wont matter one bit next year. This reminds me of Auburn's argument with Bama. They state that them losing to Bama in the overall catagory doesnt matter but are quick to put that they own UGA because in 100+ games they are ahead by 4 games. :D :D :D :D :D
  4. Reauxrin' Tiger

    Reauxrin' Tiger Founding Member

    Jul 31, 2003
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    In the series with Auburn, the final score has not meant as much as the story behind the game. Think about these: The game where we blew a big lead by continue trying to throw the ball; the earthquake game; the bring the magic back game; the barn burner game and the sec championship/tiger stomping/band beating kicker game. I have a feeling that we will be able to add this year's game to that list.
    Damn War Eagles!
  5. DallasLSU

    DallasLSU Founding Member

    Jan 29, 2003
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    " I'm pretty sure that was less than a 14 point margin back in '01 - not sure that's a butt whuppin'."

    Never said it was a butt-whoppin. Just pointing out that recently, you can't say that Auburn kills LSU.

    2002-Auburn Win
    2001-LSU win
    2000-Auburn win
    1999-Auburn win
    1998-LSU Win
    1997-Auburn Win
    1996-LSU Win
    1995-LSU Win

    That spells 4-4 my friend. And you can go back further if you want, but I don't even want to talk about how terrible the LSU team we fielded in the early 90's was. '95 is as far back as I think it should go. Maybe just '96.

    Maybe Auburn techncially let up with the pass interference call, but even that isn't fulling letting up. That is just getting the game to progress and end. Clearing the room for a touchdown and allowing us to score would be letting up...
  6. AuNuma1

    AuNuma1 Founding Member

    Jul 31, 2003
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    Kneeling the ball inside the 5 and not running it in is in fact letting up. If Teletubbie wanted the score to be 37 -7, it could've been but he chose to be the nice it whatever YOU want to call it but everybody knows what it is. Every team has ignorant fans and I'm sorry you're in that category for lsu...

    Just look at the last 4 years. It took your (very talented) SEC Championship team to beat us and that's pretty much it. The other three years have been completely one-sided. I look for the AU/lsu games to be much more competitive here in the next several seasons. Nobody is bringing in the talent right now like Saban and Tuberville. It looks to me like the SEC will belong to the West for as long as Saban and Tuberville hang around...
  7. BamaMatt

    BamaMatt Founding Member

    Jun 6, 2003
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    I can't stand allbarn.
  8. AuNuma1

    AuNuma1 Founding Member

    Jul 31, 2003
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    And rightfully so ya' bammer! 17-7!!!
  9. Tigerbnd05

    Tigerbnd05 National Champs 2003 2007

    Aug 5, 2003
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    Remind me again when Tubby wins when it counts?
  10. SovietGator

    SovietGator Founding Member

    Aug 15, 2003
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    Auburn beat LSU,

    LSU beat Florida,

    And Florida beat Auburn....

    War Damn Chicken!!! :D

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