Don't lecture us, Chuck. We'll discuss anything we want to. And don't be so damn sensitive. The ugliness towards LSU on the Auburn boards is incredible. You don't have to put up with that kind of crap here. But you may hear some things you don't like if you hang here. Chill, . . . it ain't personal. 1. Auburn is not an ugly campus. It's an average campus. 2. Past performances mean nothing. It's a mistake to judge this LSU team by last years game. 3. Our disrespect of Auburn has nothing to do with your inferiority complex about Bama. It has to do with your coach and the vehemence of your fans. It ain't just us, a quick peek at the Georgia and Bama boards show that they share our feelings.
I live in Austin and don't brake for aggies either!! If you go to their message boards,you'll see how they make even the WORST LSU-hating Auburn fan look decent.Another fun fact about a&m is that only around 1/3rd of their celebrated cadet corp actually JOIN the military. I guess they'd rather draw their sabres and rough up opposing teams' fans when they go on to their"sacred"field after the aggies lose.
You're a real laugh-a-minute. Anyway, I wouldn't expect Tulane to be on the lists for football since we don't even play anymore. LSU wouldn't be on my list for football. Baseball, of course, is a whole different animal.
Fort basbeall USL, and Tulane are on the top of my list. But in general I can't stand Stanford. Their mascot is a frickin COLOR!!! No its not Cardinal as in the bird, it is a shade of red. Damn tree huggin PC hippies.
I for one laugh whenever a certain fan mocks a teams fan base for a few acts. I could go on and on about what happened to UGA fans after the UGA/Auburn game last year. I could go on about what happened outside Neyland in 2001 when we won. I could go on about what USC fans did to me in 2001 as well. Every team has pathetic fans. It's a joke to mock others.
Florida nausea Living in Miami, I'm surrounded by Gaytors -- Florida's fans, ilterally, make me sick to my stomach
.. Teams I dislike Auburn Arkansas Florida Alabama I do respect the gators but we need to kick their butts yearly. Auburn & Alabama, well, they suck. Some of their fans are OK. Arkansas, a real bunch of dumb asses. A total embarrassment to the SEC West. I can't remember the hogs ever doing much of a job representing the SEC in post season.
Southlink,why would it bother you given the fact this is an LSU BOARD and you're a Dawg fan?? So you're in New Orleans,that's my hometown too,I just fail to understand where you're coming from on this point.Just out of curiosity,what did the USC fans do to you?